freme-project / e-Link

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Enrichment service using templates 4, 5 and 7 - Response 500 #19

Closed borriellom closed 8 years ago

borriellom commented 9 years ago

Using one of the templates listed in the object, the enrichment service always returns a 500 response. Maybe it is due to problems at sparql endpoints: Templates 4 and 7: Template 5:


Request POST URL: HEADER "Content-Type" = "text/turtle"

Input Text

@prefix nif:   <> .
@prefix itsrdf: <> .
        a                     nif:Context , nif:Sentence , nif:RFC5147String ;
        nif:beginIndex        "0" ;
        nif:endIndex          "15" ;
        nif:isString          "This is Berlin." ;
        nif:referenceContext  <,15> .

        a                     nif:Word , nif:RFC5147String ;
        nif:anchorOf          "Berlin" ;
        nif:beginIndex        "8" ;
        nif:endIndex          "14" ;
        nif:referenceContext  <,15> ;
        itsrdf:taIdentRef     <> .

Response Error 500

m1ci commented 9 years ago

will you be so kind and share cURL test commands?

borriellom commented 9 years ago

Template 5 has worked now. The issue is only for templates 4 and 7. Find below the requests. The input file is in the first comment.

curl -X POST -d @nifFile.ttl "" -H "Content-Type:text/turtle" -v
curl -X POST -d @nifFile.ttl "" -H "Content-Type:text/turtle" -v
m1ci commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the cURL examples!

Template 5 has worked now.

Great, the SPARQL endpoint was probably down or busy.

The issue is only for templates 4 and 7.

The actual problem here is not with the templates or the e-Link implementation but with the SPARQL endpoints. The SPARQL enpoints implemented with Virtuoso work out-of-the box with e-link and Jena, however, the vsnorql endpoints (the Linked Geo Data endpoint used in template 4 and 7) due to unknown problem are not compatible with Jena.

@Jan: since this is bug related to the SPARQL endpoint itself (not the e-Link impl) can we leave this issue open and I'll get back to it as soon as I get back at work (mid August)?

jnehring commented 9 years ago

Ok lets leave this issue open

jnehring commented 9 years ago

@m1ci any update here?

m1ci commented 9 years ago

not yet, this should be solved with adopting these templates linked data fragments We are working on it.

m1ci commented 9 years ago

linked data fragments will be adopted in early in the development of FREME 4.0.

m1ci commented 8 years ago

this issue can be closed - the issue is covered by and