freme-project / e-Link

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Exchange template database #42

Closed jnehring closed 9 years ago

jnehring commented 9 years ago

@ArneBinder is currently working on the template security. He has implemented codes to store templates in the MySQL database. We need to store them in the MySQL database because all data is stored there. Users, Tokens, ... are stored in MySQL already and I think we should use a single data store if possible.

That means we keep data in two databases, MySQL and file database. @m1ci is it ok when @ArneBinder migrates the e-Link file database to MySQL? I think this means he has to exchange the TemplateDAO class in e-Link repository. He will also integrate hibernate in e-Link and copy the template model and repository classes from the broker to e-Link.

I think in the end we will have a cleaner and less error prone design because all data is stored in the same location. Storing the same data in two locations causes problems in implementing security right now.

m1ci commented 9 years ago

That means we keep data in two databases, MySQL and file database. @m1ci is it ok when @ArneBinder migrates the e-Link file database to MySQL? I think this means he has to exchange the TemplateDAO class in e-Link repository. He will also integrate hibernate in e-Link and copy the template model and repository classes from the broker to e-Link.

Sure, nice. Feel free to do the changes. However: 1) I'm more for maintaining one storage - either file, or MySQL 2) currently a template has: id, description, query and endpoint fields. Please add also type for endpoint type: LDF or SPARQL. It is needed for FREME 0.4.

One question: should I then also install mysql in order to start FREME on localhost?

think in the end we will have a cleaner and less error prone design because all data is stored in the same location. Storing the same data in two locations causes problems in implementing security right now.

Yes, I agree.

m1ci commented 9 years ago

please let us know when this is ready so we start working on

jnehring commented 9 years ago

One question: should I then also install mysql in order to start FREME on localhost?

Short answer: no

Long answer: The setup is right now that by default FREME starts a H2SQL in memory database. This db does not persist any information. Through configuration you can exchange this to be a H2SQL file database (does not require any installation) or a MySQL database (requires MySQL to be installed on the computer).

See FREME configuration options. The file database option outlined above is not mentioned in the wiki, I can add that information when required.

please let us know when this is ready so we start working on #41

I let you know, but it will take at least one more week.

jnehring commented 9 years ago

@ArneBinder please implement this.

m1ci commented 9 years ago

Short answer: no

Very nice.

I let you know, but it will take at least one more week.

OK, np.

jnehring commented 9 years ago

Moved to