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⬆️ Update dependency ruff to v0.3.2 #645

Closed renovate[bot] closed 1 month ago

renovate[bot] commented 1 month ago

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
ruff (source, changelog) 0.2.2 -> 0.3.2 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

astral-sh/ruff (ruff) ### [`v0.3.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Preview features - Improve single-`with` item formatting for Python 3.8 or older ([#​10276]( ##### Rule changes - \[`pyupgrade`] Allow fixes for f-string rule regardless of line length (`UP032`) ([#​10263]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Include actual conditions in E712 diagnostics ([#​10254]( ##### Bug fixes - Fix trailing kwargs end of line comment after slash ([#​10297]( - Fix unstable `with` items formatting ([#​10274]( - Avoid repeating function calls in f-string conversions ([#​10265]( - Fix E203 false positive for slices in format strings ([#​10280]( - Fix incorrect `Parameter` range for `*args` and `**kwargs` ([#​10283]( - Treat `typing.Annotated` subscripts as type definitions ([#​10285]( ### [`v0.3.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Preview features - \[`pycodestyle`] Fix E301 not triggering on decorated methods. ([#​10117]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Respect `isort` settings in blank line rules (`E3*`) ([#​10096]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Make blank lines in typing stub files optional (`E3*`) ([#​10098]( - \[`pylint`] Implement `singledispatch-method` (`E1519`) ([#​10140]( - \[`pylint`] Implement `useless-exception-statement` (`W0133`) ([#​10176]( ##### Rule changes - \[`flake8-debugger`] Check for use of `debugpy` and `ptvsd` debug modules ([#​10177]( ([#​10194]( - \[`pyupgrade`] Generate diagnostic for all valid f-string conversions regardless of line length (`UP032`) ([#​10238]( - \[`pep8_naming`] Add fixes for `N804` and `N805` ([#​10215]( ##### CLI - Colorize the output of `ruff format --diff` ([#​10110]( - Make `--config` and `--isolated` global flags ([#​10150]( - Correctly expand tildes and environment variables in paths passed to `--config` ([#​10219]( ##### Configuration - Accept a PEP 440 version specifier for `required-version` ([#​10216]( - Implement isort's `default-section` setting ([#​10149]( ##### Bug fixes - Remove trailing space from `CapWords` message ([#​10220]( - Respect external codes in file-level exemptions ([#​10203]( - \[`flake8-raise`] Avoid false-positives for parens-on-raise with `future.exception()` (`RSE102`) ([#​10206]( - \[`pylint`] Add fix for unary expressions in `PLC2801` ([#​9587]( - \[`ruff`] Fix RUF028 not allowing `# fmt: skip` on match cases ([#​10178]( ### [`v0.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( This release introduces the new Ruff formatter 2024.2 style and adds a new lint rule to detect invalid formatter suppression comments. ##### Preview features - \[`flake8-bandit`] Remove suspicious-lxml-import (`S410`) ([#​10154]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Allow `os.environ` modifications between imports (`E402`) ([#​10066]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Don't warn about a single whitespace character before a comma in a tuple (`E203`) ([#​10094]( ##### Rule changes - \[`eradicate`] Detect commented out `case` statements (`ERA001`) ([#​10055]( - \[`eradicate`] Detect single-line code for `try:`, `except:`, etc. (`ERA001`) ([#​10057]( - \[`flake8-boolean-trap`] Allow boolean positionals in `__post_init__` ([#​10027]( - \[`flake8-copyright`] Allow © in copyright notices ([#​10065]( - \[`isort`]: Use one blank line after imports in typing stub files ([#​9971]( - \[`pylint`] New Rule `dict-iter-missing-items` (`PLE1141`) ([#​9845]( - \[`pylint`] Ignore `sys.version` and `sys.platform` (`PLR1714`) ([#​10054]( - \[`pyupgrade`] Detect literals with unary operators (`UP018`) ([#​10060]( - \[`ruff`] Expand rule for `list(iterable).pop(0)` idiom (`RUF015`) ([#​10148]( ##### Formatter This release introduces the Ruff 2024.2 style, stabilizing the following changes: - Prefer splitting the assignment's value over the target or type annotation ([#​8943]( - Remove blank lines before class docstrings ([#​9154]( - Wrap multiple context managers in `with` parentheses when targeting Python 3.9 or newer ([#​9222]( - Add a blank line after nested classes with a dummy body (`...`) in typing stub files ([#​9155]( - Reduce vertical spacing for classes and functions with a dummy (`...`) body ([#​7440](, [#​9240]( - Add a blank line after the module docstring ([#​8283]( - Parenthesize long type hints in assignments ([#​9210]( - Preserve indent for single multiline-string call-expressions ([#​9673]( - Normalize hex escape and unicode escape sequences ([#​9280]( - Format module docstrings ([#​9725]( ##### CLI - Explicitly disallow `extend` as part of a `--config` flag ([#​10135]( - Remove `build` from the default exclusion list ([#​10093]( - Deprecate `ruff `, `ruff --explain`, `ruff --clean`, and `ruff --generate-shell-completion` in favor of `ruff check `, `ruff rule`, `ruff clean`, and `ruff generate-shell-completion` ([#​10169]( - Remove the deprecated CLI option `--format` from `ruff rule` and `ruff linter` ([#​10170]( ##### Bug fixes - \[`flake8-bugbear`] Avoid adding default initializers to stubs (`B006`) ([#​10152]( - \[`flake8-type-checking`] Respect runtime-required decorators for function signatures ([#​10091]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Mark fixes overlapping with a multiline string as unsafe (`W293`) ([#​10049]( - \[`pydocstyle`] Trim whitespace when removing blank lines after section (`D413`) ([#​10162]( - \[`pylint`] Delete entire statement, including semicolons (`PLR0203`) ([#​10074]( - \[`ruff`] Avoid f-string false positives in `gettext` calls (`RUF027`) ([#​10118]( - Fix `ruff` crashing on PowerPC systems because of too small page size ([#​10080]( ##### Performance - Add cold attribute to less likely printer queue branches in the formatter ([#​10121]( - Skip unnecessary string normalization in the formatter ([#​10116]( ##### Documentation - Remove "Beta" Label from formatter documentation ([#​10144]( - `line-length` option: fix link to `pycodestyle.max-line-length` ([#​10136](


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renovate[bot] commented 1 month ago

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sonarcloud[bot] commented 1 month ago

Quality Gate Passed Quality Gate passed

0 New issues
0 Accepted issues

0 Security Hotspots
No data about Coverage
0.0% Duplication on New Code

See analysis details on SonarCloud