frenky-strasak / My_bachelor_thesis

My bachelor thesis is about detecting malware by machine learning.
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How to collect the timestamps for "dataset_times.txt"? #7

Open jxjessieli opened 4 years ago

jxjessieli commented 4 years ago

Hi Strasak, Could you provide the "dataset_times.txt" file? Or could you specify what information did you look at when you create the "dataset_times.txt" file? Thank you!

frenky-strasak commented 4 years ago

Hi, each sample of the dataset has the start time of the traffic. However some of them start in January 1st, 1970 at UTC (unix time) but it is not the real start time so I had manully add the real start time. You can check the start times here: where each sample has timeline and in the timeline there is the start time of the capture.

The reason why I needed is because of certificates. If you want to verify if a certificate was valid during the capturing the traffic, you need to know the time of the capturing.