I'm trying to start Freqtrade with my Binance api credential but always getting error ERROR - Unable to initialize markets. I have successfully access my binance account using normal python script for the api.
Steps to reproduce:
docker compose up -d
Observed Results:
I excted to it run properly also could see the web UI.
Describe your environment
Describe the problem:
I'm trying to start Freqtrade with my Binance api credential but always getting error ERROR - Unable to initialize markets. I have successfully access my binance account using normal python script for the api.
Steps to reproduce:
Observed Results:
I excted to it run properly also could see the web UI.
Relevant code exceptions or logs
my cofig.json
{ "max_open_trades": 3, "stake_currency": "USDT", "stake_amount": 1000, "tradable_balance_ratio": 0.99, "fiat_display_currency": "USD", "dry_run": true, "dry_run_wallet": 1000, "cancel_open_orders_on_exit": false, "trading_mode": "futures", "margin_mode": "isolated", "unfilledtimeout": { "entry": 10, "exit": 10, "exit_timeout_count": 0, "unit": "minutes" }, "entry_pricing": { "price_side": "same", "use_order_book": true, "order_book_top": 1, "price_last_balance": 0.0, "check_depth_of_market": { "enabled": false, "bids_to_ask_delta": 1 } }, "exit_pricing":{ "price_side": "same", "use_order_book": true, "order_book_top": 1 }, "exchange": { "name": "binance", "key": "x", "secret": "x", "ccxt_config": {}, "ccxt_async_config": {}, "pair_whitelist": [ ], "pair_blacklist": [ "BNB/.*" ] }, "pairlists": [ { "method": "VolumePairList", "number_assets": 20, "sort_key": "quoteVolume", "min_value": 0, "refresh_period": 1800 } ], "telegram": { "enabled": true, "token": "x", "chat_id": "x" }, "api_server": { "enabled": true, "listen_ip_address": "", "listen_port": 8080, "username": "Freqtrader", "password": "SuperSecret1!", "verbosity": "error", "enable_openapi": false, "jwt_secret_key": "a5253cc279195e790d5ab4909224a6797adeb0c6d3c58797a20e2abca2174bee", "ws_token": "F5ziiRZMVPvIi0mOvo9vUYyU__NyQ-uHuQ", "CORS_origins": [] }, "bot_name": "freqtrade", "initial_state": "running", "force_entry_enable": false, "internals": { "process_throttle_secs": 5 } }
Note: Please copy/paste text of the messages, no screenshots of logs please.