Closed cfanfs closed 6 years ago
Hello, I have an issue with whenAll
I have a piece of code like this:
func download(from url: URL) -> Promise<Void> { ... } ... let promises = Promises.whenAll .then { ... } .onError { _ in ... }
This code randomly fails. I can find out that each of download promises are fulfilled but neither then nor onError are called.
Then I wrote a test:
private let concurrentQueue = DispatchQueue( label: "then.whenAll.test.concurrent", qos: .userInitiated, attributes: .concurrent) func testWhenAllAllAsynchronous() { let values = (1...10).map { $0 } let promises: [Promise<Int>] = { value in return Promise { fulfill, _ in self.concurrentQueue.async { fulfill(value) } } } let block = expectation(description: "Block called") Promises.whenAll(promises).then { array in XCTAssertEqual(Set(array), Set(values)) block.fulfill() } waitForExpectations(timeout: 3, handler: nil) }
and it fails.
Looks like the temporary variable var ts = [T]() has a thread race issue, and registerFinally is not an atomic operation.
var ts = [T]()
Thank you. :)
Thanks again, you rock!
Hello, I have an issue with whenAll
I have a piece of code like this:
This code randomly fails. I can find out that each of download promises are fulfilled but neither
are called.Then I wrote a test:
and it fails.
Looks like the temporary variable
var ts = [T]()
has a thread race issue, andregisterFinally
is not an atomic operation.Thank you.