freshplanet / ANE-Push-Notification

Air Native Extension (iOS and Android) for Push Notification
Apache License 2.0
205 stars 104 forks source link

Ios8 iphone 6 #64

Closed ate864 closed 7 years ago

ate864 commented 9 years ago


Every thing work fine on ios7 (iphone 4)s and Android but i test notification on iphone 6 with ios8 and no push token id is return to the phone... No error just nothing happen...

Thank you for your help

enpela commented 9 years ago

Similarly, I also iPadmini of iOS8, device token can not be acquired. May be ... I expect that because I changed the methods necessary to push notification in iOS8

-application: didRegisterUserNotificationSettings And -registerForRemoteNotifications And so

I am waiting for a response.

Thank you.

pauloamorimbr commented 9 years ago

Any news on this?

I cannot make push notifications for iOS to work with the "native Air support" (because it just doesn't work), and I'm not able to make this ANE work (thanks to freshplanet, tho, for the awesome ANEs)...the popup asking the user for permission never shows, I never receive a token back.

Please? Any update? Any help?

YeeshaYe commented 9 years ago

I think this is a solution for how to edit extension... waiting for .ane update.

pauloamorimbr commented 9 years ago

No updates, I guess? :(

zing1911 commented 9 years ago

I got something wrong with this code ( . I'm not sure that is cause of token return null

I have debug this Lib (PushNotification) and I got something wrong on this line

..... extCtx = ExtensionContext.createExtensionContext("com.freshplanet.AirPushNotification", null); (1) (That result is null)
if (extCtx != null) { extCtx.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, onStatus); } else <------ (2) go to else { trace('extCtx is null.'); <---- trace something that's invisible } _instance = this; <---- (3) set it ......

if I have anything got work, I will update as soon as possible

Update 2015/05/13

I got that object already and I modify .a flle and fix with notification syntax for supporting ios 8 but I found this event VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV "TOKEN_FAIL

Failed to get token, error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3000 "no valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application" UserInfo=0x17d7e400 {NSLocalizedDescription=no valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application}"

Update 2015/05/14

I got token now !!!!!

I forgot this tag in Your_APP-app.xml , try it

aps-environment development ]]>

example :