freshplanet / ANE-Push-Notification

Air Native Extension (iOS and Android) for Push Notification
Apache License 2.0
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Can't get any response from GCM on Android 5 and 5.1 #94

Open RamanMIPL opened 7 years ago

RamanMIPL commented 7 years ago

Hello I am using GCM ANE in my Application. But GCM seems to work in below Android 4.4 and but not seems to work in android 5.0 and above. Please help me.

fullflash commented 7 years ago

guess this lbrary abandoned need to search for another solution

skolesnyk commented 7 years ago

@fullflash , I've switched to Distriqt's.

fullflash commented 7 years ago

myflashlab gcm ane also good and there is non commercial free version on github also with php sample. Also helpful video tips. Distriqt not have free version to test.

yokoboko commented 7 years ago

I fixed it. You can download ANE from here:

You should send: {"contentTitle":"Title..","contentText":"Message...","tickerText":"...","priority":"2"} *priority is optional(-2 <---> +2) ** it will not crash if you don't send all params

You will need AIR 25+

To change the icons: 1) Rename to .zip 2) Open with WinRar(don't extract!) 3) Drag and drop your icons to "\META-INF\ANE\Android-ARM\res\drawable-xhdpi" to replace files 4) Close WinRar and change file name back to .ane

AmirSmarty commented 6 years ago

Im trying this code for my android air apps: pushbi = PushNotification.getInstance(); //pushbi. pushbi.registerForPushNotification("manakane-4939510"); pushbi.sendLocalNotification("Bonjour la famille",1515688406,"Nouveau Caractére offert"); pushbi.addEventListener(PushNotificationEvent.NOTIFICATION_RECEIVED_WHEN_IN_FOREGROUND_EVENT,NotificationReceived);

Not working with your ANE.