freyacodes / archived-bot

A Discord music bot serving music in over 3 million discord servers
MIT License
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Immunity system #485

Open h4sard opened 6 years ago

h4sard commented 6 years ago

Hi, One guy from my discord asked me about this and I think it's a good idea, so here it is:

It would be cool if we could setup an immunity mode on FredBoat and then set an immunity power to some roles (or to a specific user for that matter), this would be for basicly all DJ commands such as skip, change repeat mode, etc. The description for the immunity mode is something like this:

// 0: Ignore immunity levels.
// 1: Protect from admins of lower access only.
// 2: Protect from admins of equal to or lower access.
// 3: Same as 2, except admins with no immunity can affect each other.

so the command for the bots could simply be ;;immunitymode <value> and ;;immunityset <role/user> <power>

In the current state of the bot the default mode would be 0, where anyone that have a role that is DJ can skip any song from anyone.

But then if I set the immunity mode to 2 for exemple, and like say that I have Officers, Moderators and DJ roles, all 3 of them are DJ but I would do like:

;;immunityset @Moderators 5 ;;immunityset @Officers 10 And since I didn't change DJ power it would be 0 by default.

So then with that if let's say a moderator play a song, DJ won't be able to skip it since they have lower immunity power than Moderators and Moderators won't be able to skip it aswell since they have equal power and it's set to mode 2, Officers obviously would be able to skip it since they have a stronger immunity power.

Tell me what do you think about it and if it would be possible. Thanks for reading.

freyacodes commented 6 years ago

I feel that this would make an otherwise simple permission system be difficult to comprehend. If you have trouble with DJs skipping tracks that they shouldn't, you should probably just revoke their privileges.

h4sard commented 6 years ago

I guess you're right on this, however since it would be on mode 0 by default it wouldn't change anything for all actual server that use the bot and will give the option for "advanced" user to make a more complex permission system.

But yh it's up to you guys actually coding on the bot, thanks for your answer either way !

schnapster commented 6 years ago

Sounds like you have a troll problem in your ranks? No amount of technology will be able to fix that.

h4sard commented 6 years ago

Thahaha yh

Well, they don't do it with bad intent tho, thing is I can't really remove their DJ permission cause even if I own the discord we're from a steam group of players so Officers/Moderators of that steam group have the same rank in the discord, and also since the discord is not restricted to the steam group member we have external people, so Officers and Moderators should always be able to skip a song from lower user rank at their discretion, however I would like to disable them from skiping a song from another Officers or Moderators and this would allow me to setup a propper system where it would be forced instead of just saying/making a rule like "hey don't do that"

But oh well, it's not a big issue, I was just really thinking that it was a cool thing to have.