Open SeriousM opened 8 years ago
Hi @SeriousM, Thanks, I'm glad you like it :)
I haven't really really thought about using Typewriter to generate C# files, cool idea! I'll look into excluding generated files from being re-generated.. You should be able to use a lambda filter to exclude the generated classes from generation. Try something like this:
using Typewriter.Extensions.Types;
Template(Settings settings)
settings.OutputFilenameFactory = file => file.Classes.First().FullName + ".cs";
namespace WebApi.TST
$Classes(c => c.Name.EndsWith("Model") && c.Namespace != "WebApi.TST")[
public class $Name {
public $Type $Name { get; set; }
I'll look into excluding generated files from being re-generated..
I guess you mean only the files that are generated by the current .tst file, right?
$Classes(c => c.Name.EndsWith("Model") && c.Namespace != "WebApi.TST")[
yep, that worked pretty well, thank you!
Yes exactly, only to prevent the endless loop. C# files generated by other tst-templates should still be included in the generation.
Hi, I love your extension, it's just pure awesomeness!
I found out that it can be very useful to generate c# models as well (for transportation, etc) but there was a bug:
my code:
The problem is that it searches for "_Model" and generates as .cs file with a class called "_Model". This turns out to be a endless loop once you save the .tst file because every generated *Model class extended the loop by one.
I didn't found the source-line yet to prove my guess, but I think that the list of found classes/files aren't materialized before the loop starts.
Maybe you could fix the problem? Otherwise, maybe you can tell me how to exclude currently generated files / tst-files from the query at all.
PS: I could use t4 as well, but I like your syntax much much more! :+1: