fribbels / Fribbels-Epic-7-Optimizer

A gear optimizer for Epic Seven
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Heroes not being imported #201

Open bwong320 opened 11 months ago

bwong320 commented 11 months ago

I tried using the import heroes and gear automatically and it seems to get the data for my gear, but it says there are 0 heroes in the saved json. I didn't see any errors show up when running the scan.

RNS33195 commented 9 months ago

I am going to assume you are using Windows with Hyper-V enabled.

To resolve this issue, open the Fribbels E7 directory and navigate to data\py. Here you will see a file named Open in a text editor of your choice and scroll down to the following:


The important part here is iface, because that is the interface where traffic for Epic Seven will be looked for.

Next, open up your network settings and look for the name of your active network port. In my case, the name of my active port is Ethernet 2. You will then replace the get_work_ifaces() function with the string quote of your active port. The result should look as follows:


Save the file and your issue should be resolved. If you are having problems saving in the same directory, save elsewhere and remove the old, then drop the new one in.

Hope this helps!