fricas / jfricas

Jupyter kernel for FriCAS (pip package)
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Inoperative installation in Sage's Jupyter environment. #5

Open EmmanuelCharpentier opened 1 year ago

EmmanuelCharpentier commented 1 year ago

Fricas works fine in my Sage environment (running on Debian testing). I tried sage -pip instajj jfricas, which upgraded a couple of packages :

Successfully built jfricas
Installing collected packages: psutil, prompt-toolkit, debugpy, comm, qtpy, ipykernel, qtconsole, jupyter-console, jupyter, jfricas
  Attempting uninstall: prompt-toolkit
    Found existing installation: prompt-toolkit 3.0.24
    Uninstalling prompt-toolkit-3.0.24:
      Successfully uninstalled prompt-toolkit-3.0.24
  Attempting uninstall: ipykernel
    Found existing installation: ipykernel 6.6.0
    Uninstalling ipykernel-6.6.0:
      Successfully uninstalled ipykernel-6.6.0
Successfully installed comm-0.1.3 debugpy-1.6.7 ipykernel-6.23.0 jfricas-1.0.0 jupyter-1.0.0 jupyter-console-6.6.3 prompt-toolkit-3.0.38 psutil-5.9.5 qtconsole-5.4.3 qtpy-2.3.1

but running it didn't wirk. Starting from a console with sage -n jupyter and omening a new norebook with the jfricas kernel, I see a lot of fricas-related messages, ending with :

   >> System error:
   Module error: Don't know how to REQUIRE HUNCHENTOOT.

   >> System error:
   There is no package with the name WEBSPAD.

At this point, I couldn't but close and halt the fricas notebook, then the server.

Any hint ?

hemmecke commented 1 year ago

Sorry to say, but jfricas on pip only works for a very special situation and unlikely to work in general. I have prepared another way to install the jupyter interface for FriCAS. However, as you can see, that is work-in-progress and not yet in the official FriCAS-repo. Secondly, I have only aimed at providing a jupyter interface for FriCAS. Maybe it can made to work in the same jupyter interface that Sage is using, but this has not yet been investigated. First, everything should just work fine so that it can become official. Also, jfricas is only known to work with SBCL as the underlying Lisp. Maybe it can made to work with ECL. With the Debian version of FriCAS (GCL) it definitely does not work. My suggestion is, compile FriCAS as written on As far as I know, Sage picks the FriCAS that is in your PATH.