frictionlessdata / DataPackage.jl

A Julia library for working with Data Package.
MIT License
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Read an existing Data Package descriptor #5

Open loleg opened 6 years ago

loleg commented 6 years ago

The Data Package metadata is stored in a "descriptor". This descriptor is what makes a collection of data a Data Package, and can be read from a dictionary or JSON object (e.g. file). See full specification for details and datapackage.json for a validation schema.

roll commented 5 years ago

@loleg Hi, can we close this?

loleg commented 5 years ago

@roll I'd like to (see someone) do some additional testing before ticking off those boxes - especially since Julia has come quite a few versions forward since the alpha release.

roll commented 5 years ago

@loleg I would rather close if it's done and react on bug reports. But whatever works better for you