frictionlessdata / datapackage

Data Package is a standard consisting of a set of simple yet extensible specifications to describe datasets, data files and tabular data. It is a data definition language (DDL) and data API that facilitates findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability (FAIR) of data.
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Don't hardwrap lines #959

Open peterdesmet opened 2 days ago

peterdesmet commented 2 days ago

In most of the documentation, paragraphs are written on a single line in Markdown. I prefer this approach, as it is a clear rule for contributors and makes for easier diffs (in contrast, hardwraps require contributors to know what the wrap length should be).

So parts of the documentation had hardwrapped paragraphs. I have changed those to a single line. I did not make any other editorial changes.

khusmann commented 2 days ago

If this is the style we want to enforce, we may want to set the proseWrap option in our .prettierrc.json to never. This will do a few things:

  1. When you save a file in an editor that supports prettier (like VSCode with prettier extension), all paragraphs will automatically be formatted on one line
  2. If a someone checks in a file that does not meet the prettier style check (e.g. if a paragraph is formatted on multiple lines), the CI check will fail (as it is currently doing)

Personally, I like hardwraps, because they make the file easier to navigate with VIM shortcuts. With proseWrap set to always, contributors don't ever need to check or change line widths manually because saving automatically reformats the doc with proper printWidth. But it's not a strong preference, I'm happy with anything as long as we're consistent and the style is automatically enforced with tools like prettier :)