frida / frida-core

Frida core library intended for static linking into bindings
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Failure to effectively hook all the methods of a class in newer Android versions #501

Open Ch0pin opened 4 months ago

Ch0pin commented 4 months ago

In newest Android versions (>= 13) I am facing an issue when I try to hook all the methods of a java class. More specifically, given the following function:

function traceMethod(targetClassMethod){
    var delim = targetClassMethod.lastIndexOf(".");
    if (delim === -1) return;
    var targetClass = targetClassMethod.slice(0, delim)
    var targetMethod = targetClassMethod.slice(delim + 1, targetClassMethod.length)
    var hook = Java.use(targetClass);
    var overloadCount12 = hook[targetMethod].overloads.length;

    for (var i = 0; i < overloadCount12; i++) {
        hook[targetMethod].overloads[i].implementation = function() {
          console.log("\n[ ▶︎▶︎▶︎] Entering: " + targetClassMethod);
            for (var j = 0; j < arguments.length; j++) {
                console.log("|\t\\_arg[" + j + "]: " + arguments[j]);
            var retval = this[targetMethod].apply(this, arguments); 
            console.log("[ ◀︎◀︎◀︎ ] Exiting " + targetClassMethod);

            console.log('\t\\_Returns: '+retval+'\n');
            return retval;

and the following calls:


I can effectively hook all the methods of a class in Android 9 and get the correct logs:

Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 10 42 48

Using the traceMethod , same app, in Android 13, yields the following output:

Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 10 45 08

Failing to display the logs of methods called within the onCreate. Subsequently, removing the onCreate hook, displays the log ofʕ but fails to follow the calls to the class's methods started from within the ʕ method:

Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 10 47 18

My Android 13 device's fingerprint is the following:


While the Android 9 fingerprint is the following:


Ch0pin commented 4 months ago

using a simpler example, assuming the following java code:

    public void func(){
        System.out.println("in func");

    public void func1(){
        System.out.println("in func1");

the following script:

Java.perform(function() {

    let className1 = Java.use("com.intent.sender.min.MainActivity");

    className1.func.implementation = function(){

        console.log("FRIDA: in func");


    className1.func1.implementation = function(){

        console.log("FRIDA: in func1")

logs only : FRIDA: in func

giorgosioak commented 4 months ago

I am also affected by this bug!

LeitaoDeveloper commented 4 months ago

+1 here

Ginggas commented 4 months ago

Likewise, affected by this bug