frida / frida-java-bridge

Java runtime interop from Frida
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properties of objects in lists are not read #293

Closed kelvinwop closed 1 year ago

kelvinwop commented 1 year ago
[array idx=0] obj=b.jyx@d9ed06a 
getOwnPropertyNames=shadow$_monitor_, hashCode, shadow$_klass_, identityHashCodeNative, wait, notify, notifyAll, equals, clone, identityHashCode, finalize, internalClone, toString, getClass 
ProtogetOwnPropertyNames=$n, $C, $w, $_s, $c, $m, $l, $gch, $f

as you can see properties a,b,c,d are missing from getOwnPropertyNames which is generated using return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(x).join(', ');

it works perfectly fine for any object not in a List though....

kelvinwop commented 1 year ago

its due to type erasure and generics, just cast it