frida / frida-python

Frida Python bindings
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How can I connect to Ipv6? #243

Open chookf opened 3 months ago

chookf commented 3 months ago

I'm trying to connect to ipv6 frida server

frida-server-16.1.8-windows-x86_64.exe -l fdb1:5644:912e:5307:fa99:93bc:d92f:83e3

and in my python code

manager = frida.get_device_manager()
device = manager.add_remote_device("fdb1:5644:912e:5307:fa99:93bc:d92f:83e3")
process = device.get_process("Something.exe")
pid =

However I get an error:

frida.ServerNotRunningError: unable to connect to remote frida-server: Could not connect to fdb1:5644:912e:5307:fa99:93bc:d92f:83e3: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.

I checked in nestats

netstat -ano

and I saw that frida-server is listening

TCP [fdb1:5644:912e:5307:fa99:93bc:d92f:83e3]:27042 [::]:0 LISTENING 22108