friedmag / bider

DKP/auction addon for World of Warcraft
1 stars 0 forks source link

Bids should register as main or offspec #36

Open friedmag opened 14 years ago

friedmag commented 14 years ago

Something like [item] 6o or 6m. Or if I wanted to get really fancy, it could register as unspecified by default and ask the user to followup. Maybe that would be best...

"NOTE: You did not specify the item as being main/off spec. To do so, re-submit the bid as [link]{value}m (or o). Loot priority is main, off, and finally unspecified."

friedmag commented 14 years ago

Could also scan players' specs and KNOW their spec. And then scan items for certain giveaways on NOT being that spec (IE, defense for a ret pally, AP for a tree, etc.).