friedow / centerpiece

Your trusty omnibox search.
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CPU: running with 16 cores opens the list at the bottom #114

Closed VTimofeenko closed 3 months ago

VTimofeenko commented 3 months ago

This is probably applicable to machines with number of cores more than the list height. In my case grep -c proc /proc/cpuinfo is 16.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Run nix run github:friedow/centerpiece
  2. Type "cpu"
  3. Use up keyboard arrow to navigate higher in the list

Expected result

  1. The list follows the selection caret and scrolls upwards
  2. The list of CPUs opens from the beginning

Actual result


  1. The list stays at the very bottom. On this screenshot the selection caret is above the displayed CPUs.

  2. The list of CPUs starts at the end

friedow commented 3 months ago

Thanks for reporting this bug :). I think the list of cpu cores being that long is a problem in itself. I'd like to tackle this in