I made some changes, first with the title and descriptions to try to harmonize them a bit, and give a better sense of progression. They're still far from perfect IMO but I'm kind of reaching the limit of my creativity, so if anyone has better ideas, feel free!
I also made sure there's as many ranks for each category (9 now), and reworked the amount of point to fit significant milestones in estimated hours of immersion:
0h / 10h / 25h / 50h / 100h / 500h / 1000h / 5000h /10000h (master)
I think those are pretty fair, maybe except the 5000h and 10000h that might be too much.
With this, here's the reasoning for the new points:
VN and reading, assuming for the lower ranks a speed of 8000char/hour, middle ranks 15000 chars/hour, higher ranks 20000 chars/hour
1 / 250 / 600 / 1200 / 4200 / 22000 / 40000 / 300000 / 600000
For manga, let's assume they read 1 page per minute at the start, 2 pages per minute in the middle and 3 pages per minute at the end
1 / 150 / 400 / 750 / 3000 / 15000 / 30000 / 225000 / 450000
For books, let's assume they read 1p/5min at the beginning, 1p/3min in the middle and 1p/min at the end
1 / 120 / 300 / 600 / 2000 / 10000 / 20000 / 300000 / 600000
Those are still estimations, it will be different from person to person, the ones I'm the most unsure about are the manga and book so those might need adjusting the most.
I made some changes, first with the title and descriptions to try to harmonize them a bit, and give a better sense of progression. They're still far from perfect IMO but I'm kind of reaching the limit of my creativity, so if anyone has better ideas, feel free!
I also made sure there's as many ranks for each category (9 now), and reworked the amount of point to fit significant milestones in estimated hours of immersion: 0h / 10h / 25h / 50h / 100h / 500h / 1000h / 5000h /10000h (master) I think those are pretty fair, maybe except the 5000h and 10000h that might be too much.
With this, here's the reasoning for the new points:
VN and reading, assuming for the lower ranks a speed of 8000char/hour, middle ranks 15000 chars/hour, higher ranks 20000 chars/hour 1 / 250 / 600 / 1200 / 4200 / 22000 / 40000 / 300000 / 600000
Reading time and Listening 1 / 400 / 1000 / 2000 / 4000 / 20000 / 40000 / 200000 / 400000
For manga, let's assume they read 1 page per minute at the start, 2 pages per minute in the middle and 3 pages per minute at the end 1 / 150 / 400 / 750 / 3000 / 15000 / 30000 / 225000 / 450000
For books, let's assume they read 1p/5min at the beginning, 1p/3min in the middle and 1p/min at the end 1 / 120 / 300 / 600 / 2000 / 10000 / 20000 / 300000 / 600000
Those are still estimations, it will be different from person to person, the ones I'm the most unsure about are the manga and book so those might need adjusting the most.