friedrich-schotte / Lauecollect

Data Acquisition Software for the BioCARS 14-ID Beamline at the Advanced Photon Source
MIT License
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Bug in the timing_sequencer #1

Open vstadnytskyi opened 4 years ago

vstadnytskyi commented 4 years ago

There is a bug in timing_sequence. You are trying to evaluate "object.%s" % name but name is ‘.name’ so you end up with object.._name__

see line

from timing_sequencer import timing_sequencer

In [11]: timing_sequencer.queue_active
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 3326, in run_code
    exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)

  File "<ipython-input-11-db81418e8de0>", line 1, in <module>

  File "/Users/user-13/All-Projects-on-user/APS/Instrumentation/Software/Lauecollect/", line 220, in get_queue_active
    return self.current_queue_name == self.queue_name

  File "/Users/user-13/All-Projects-on-user/APS/Instrumentation/Software/Lauecollect/", line 522, in get
    def get(self): return self.driver_property_get(name,type,default_value,terminator)

  File "/Users/user-13/All-Projects-on-user/APS/Instrumentation/Software/Lauecollect/", line 528, in driver_property_get
    value = self.driver_property_get_value(name)

  File "/Users/user-13/All-Projects-on-user/APS/Instrumentation/Software/Lauecollect/", line 547, in driver_property_get_value
    if self.use_sequencer_CA:

  File "/Users/user-13/All-Projects-on-user/APS/Instrumentation/Software/Lauecollect/", line 20, in get
    def get(self): return get_persistent_property(self,name,default_value)

  File "/Users/user-13/All-Projects-on-user/APS/Instrumentation/Software/Lauecollect/", line 26, in get_persistent_property
    t = dbget(dbname(self,name))

  File "/Users/user-13/All-Projects-on-user/APS/Instrumentation/Software/Lauecollect/", line 46, in dbname
    elif class_name(self): dbname = class_name(self)+"."+name

  File "/Users/user-13/All-Projects-on-user/APS/Instrumentation/Software/Lauecollect/", line 52, in class_name
    if hasattr(self,"__name__"): class_name = getattr(self,"__name__","")

  File "/Users/user-13/All-Projects-on-user/APS/Instrumentation/Software/Lauecollect/", line 100, in __getattr__
    elif self.hasattr(timing_system,alt_name):

  File "/Users/user-13/All-Projects-on-user/APS/Instrumentation/Software/Lauecollect/", line 109, in hasattr
    try: eval("object.%s" % name); return True

  File "<string>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> /Users/user-13/All-Projects-on-user/APS/Instrumentation/Software/Lauecollect/
-> try: eval("object.%s" % name); return True
(Pdb) name
vstadnytskyi commented 4 years ago

it is Python3 issue. It works fine on Python2.7

$ ipython
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In [1]: from timing_sequencer import timing_sequencer

In [2]: timing_sequencer.queue_active
Out[2]: False