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Support the "account-type" #15

Closed annando closed 5 years ago

annando commented 7 years ago

Since the last versions we can define an account type (Person, Organization, News, Community). It would be good if the directory could support this.

MrPetovan commented 7 years ago

Is there any specific rules depending on the account type? Or is it just about displaying the type?

annando commented 7 years ago

It would be good to have it as an addition to the current separation in "All", "People" and "Forums".

So there would be now: "All", "People", "Organizations", "News accounts" and "Forums".

MrPetovan commented 7 years ago

Ok, this is exactly what I had in mind, thanks for the clarification.

annando commented 7 years ago

Great! If you need some help in providing the data for the directory, then just tell me. I'm not sure how it is currently exposed. I know that it is transferred via DFRN and I have in mind that it is distributed via POCO as well.

MrPetovan commented 5 years ago

I'm in the process of entirely rewriting the directory code as a personal exercise in Dependency Injection, so I will get the chance to look at the noscrape output from Friendica and store any field that wasn't handled before.

If there's no output of the account-type, then now is a good time to add it on the Friendica side.

annando commented 5 years ago

Normally we should export it since several versions, but I don't know where.

MrPetovan commented 5 years ago

There's only a community flag in the noscrape output whether the account is a personal account or a forum.


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    "homepage": "https:\/\/\/profile\/hypolite",
    "comm": false,
    "fn": "Hyp\ud83c\udf27lite Pe\u2602ov\ud83c\udf43n (he\/him)",
    "photo": "https:\/\/\/photo\/27330388315ae4ed2b03e3c116980490-4.jpg?ts=1540951359",
    "tags": ["videogame", "gaming", "boardgame", "politics", "philosophy", "development", "programming", "php"],
    "updated": "2018-11-01T13:31:31-04:00",
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    "last-activity": "2018-44",
    "pdesc": "Subpar geek, french\/english, science, games, feminism, jokes and anything in between. Avatar by",
    "locality": "Brooklyn",
    "region": "New York",
    "country-name": "USA",
    "gender": "Male",
    "marital": "Partners",
    "about": "Subpar geek, french\/english, science, games, feminism, jokes and anything in between. Avatar by",
    "dfrn-request": "https:\/\/\/dfrn_request\/hypolite",
    "dfrn-confirm": "https:\/\/\/dfrn_confirm\/hypolite",
    "dfrn-notify": "https:\/\/\/dfrn_notify\/hypolite",
    "dfrn-poll": "https:\/\/\/dfrn_poll\/hypolite"
annando commented 5 years ago

No, we really should transmit the other type in some way.

MrPetovan commented 5 years ago

Be my guest, I'm going to prepare a free-form text field for the account type in the new directory data structure. For now it's going to be either "People" or "Forum" but it will accept any new string seamlessly.

annando commented 5 years ago

Some more strict field content would be better, since I guess it would be great to (e.g.) be able to search for news accounts,

MrPetovan commented 5 years ago

AND `account_type` = "News"

MrPetovan commented 5 years ago

The data structure is ready on the next version of the directory, we just need to agree on the noscrape output.