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R3S 关闭IP6, LAN 口死活不亮, 分配不到IP, 刷机解决不了! 救砖又缺少RK3566 loader!!! #72

Open gowy222 opened 1 week ago

gowy222 commented 1 week ago


echo "禁用内核中的 IPv6..."
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1
echo "net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
uci set dhcp.@odhcpd[0].maindhcp='1'

 echo "移除网络接口中的 IPv6 地址..."
 ip -6 addr flush dev eth0
 ip -6 addr flush dev br-lan
ip -6 addr flush dev tun0

重启之后LAN就不亮了, 然后刷机 TF 固件 21/23版本都不能解决 又刷机 SD-EMMC 21/23版本 同样不起作用...

红灯+wan 正常工作...

就是分配不到IP, LAN 不工作, 刷机也无解..

获取loader: 访问这里,进入CPU型号对应的tools目录,下载 MiniLoaderAll.bin 关键里面没有R3S的CPU版本文件... RK3566,救砖都没希望..

咋办?? @friendlyarm

另外,RESET按钮有啥用? 文档也没说明, 按了也不能恢复..

gowy222 commented 1 week ago

换言之, TF/SD-EMMC刷机过程都是自动的,

会默认保留用户配置? 这导致了错误的lan配置文件不会被覆盖纠正过来,这个行为感觉怪怪的.. 都刷机了,还残留用户配置干嘛,底层配置也硬彻底重置才对...

gowy222 commented 1 week ago

网卡驱动不工作了, 尝试过刷到debian,LAN口灯亮了,再次刷回openwrt,又不行,最终wan口ssh进去才发现eth1 网卡驱动掉了, 强制安装了kmod-r8169直接恢复正常...

同时,刷到debian的时候发现,lan wan概率反了(插的LAN,WAN亮了, 单路插拔的时候)!!! 看来还是网卡驱动不稳定,或板子电路缺陷?。usb分割出一个网卡真心不靠谱..不差这点预算,就不能两个原生网卡??? --R5S直接扔去吃灰, 目前R3S的外壳最薄,没得选

所以更不理解的是,都刷到debian了,emmc应该彻底覆写了,为何刷回openwrt,问题依旧? emmc除了救砖方式, 就没有任何方式强制彻底清除历史配置吗? 而且为何一次配置IP6导致bug,什么情况能导致后期不管刷什么版本openwrt都掉网卡驱动(恢复出厂也掉)? -- 匪夷所思

xxs-2 commented 1 week ago

1.R3S没有usb网卡,一个RGMII 8211F,一个PCIE 8111H 2.请看文档的4.4.3.3,里面提供的usb固件带了loader

Kotevich commented 6 days ago

Same issue. LAN chip driver is not installed out of the box. Only WAN port enabled. Need fix

argakon commented 5 days ago

+1 to the problem with lan port issue. I flashed friendlywrt and lan port doesn't works. debian/ubuntu images works fine

friendlyarm commented 4 days ago

The FriendlyWrt images has been re-uploaded to google drive, I think the lan issue has been solved. Sorry for the trouble.