friendlyarm / h3_lichee

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regarding /fa_tools/ & sys_config & wifi support #18

Open JackyYuenDacai opened 6 years ago

JackyYuenDacai commented 6 years ago

/fa_tools/ does not changed its fuse device argument regarding the device name typed in using -d tag. It just hardcoded dev name with /dev/sd everywhere, document about need to alter the script perhaps needed. Besides, the sys_config.fex file is placed under /lichee/tools/pack/chips/$(ARCH)/configs/$(BOARD-NAME)/board/ , but not mentioned in the wiki website. The wiki website is well outdated... For some reason I could not find a way to initiate wlan0 device file.

JackyYuenDacai commented 6 years ago

Just for note, sys_config.fex needed to be set if you want to change resolution to any kind beside of 720p. But still no wlan0. The image I used is following: nanopi-m1-plus_debian-jessie_3.4.39_20171102.img

JackyYuenDacai commented 6 years ago

And I think I also had to alter to be able to start to compile the kernel... never mind I will fork it.

igorpecovnik commented 6 years ago

Perhaps you want to try rather Armbian tools. They will make you much more recent kernel with fully optimised Debian for developer boards.

If you just want to use a system where wifi works and where you can simply change screen resolution, go to download:

wuweidong0107 commented 6 years ago

Can you use nanopi-m1-plus_debian-jessie_4.14.0_yyyymmdd.img? Lots of people are not so familiar with allwinnner's sys_config.fex. Linux 4.x is a better choice.

JackyYuenDacai commented 6 years ago

Sorry for confusion , my board is actually nanp pi m1 without plus , but for sake of lacking some library as it doesnt have on board wifi chip , I tried the one for plus, but still no good . Does the armbian one compatible with m1 board and support dynamic altring of resolution?

igorpecovnik commented 6 years ago

If you are using old kernel 3.4.y we supply h3disp utility for simple resolution switching. If you use 4.14.y than the screen is detected automatically. If you have non-plus version, proceed here: or via direct link (Linux 4.14.11) In case you need Debian Jessie or Ubuntu Xenial, you can build them on your own.

JackyYuenDacai commented 6 years ago

Yes (^^) the armbian one works thanks for your help

JackyYuenDacai commented 6 years ago

as Im not sure the issue here is solved, I'll leave it open