friendlyarm / sd-fuse_rk3328

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Neo3 使用poweroff命令关机后系统就再也启动不了了!After using the poweroff command to shut down the system will not start again! #6

Open lazybat opened 3 years ago

lazybat commented 3 years ago

After using the poweroff command to shut down the system will not start again! 使用poweroff命令关机后系统就再也启动不了了!

lazybat commented 3 years ago

After starting, reboot using the reboot command, and then unplug.If you start it up again, it will be stuck and unable to start. 启动后,使用reboot命令重启,然后拔掉电源。再开机也会卡住无法启动。

lazybat commented 3 years ago

TF card error

lazybat commented 3 years ago

After changing the TF card, the problem started again after several shutdowns. 换了TF卡,关机几次后问题又开始重新。