friendofsvelte / tipex

An goto sytled text editor for SvelteKit; based on TipTap; tipex
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ncu is confused by the tipex versioning #10

Closed bluepuma77 closed 3 months ago

bluepuma77 commented 6 months ago

We are using ncu to always use the latest version of libraries, it seems to be confused by the versioning of tipex, on different runs it shows different upgrade paths, depending which version is currently installed.

# ncu
 @friendofsvelte/tipex  ^0.0.1-meta-stable.16  →  ^0.0.1-act.4
# ncu -u -t minor
 @friendofsvelte/tipex  ^0.0.1-act.4  →  ^0.0.1-meta-stable.16
Bishwas-py commented 6 months ago

The latest version Tipex is 0.0.1-act.4, I have never used ncu, maybe you could guide me with that?

bluepuma77 commented 6 months ago

ncu is a tool that can update all npm dependencies to the latest version.

Find newer versions of package dependencies than what your package.json allows

You can decide if you want to update major (x.x.x), minor (1.x.x) or only patch (1.1.x).

Usually npm is not updating major, but you might want to update all because the lower version is stale/buggy.

I am using NodeJS since 2011 and only found and started using ncu this year 😄

Bishwas-py commented 6 months ago

Oh wow, feels like a nice tool. Is the issue fix, man?

bluepuma77 commented 6 months ago

ncu is still confused by 0.0.1-meta-stable.16 and 0.0.1-act.11. I am still confused, too.

It seems to conform with Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 and Svelte uses similar 5.0.0-next.28.

I think a working version should get a simple [v]x.y.z. Go for 1.0.0 😃

Bishwas-py commented 5 months ago

@bluepuma77 I am releasing a 0.0.2 version I hope that'll help you. Currently, we're in a preview version 0.0.1-prev.0.2, so that we can test stuff and head over to 0.0.2. Thanks a lot for you contributions and issues though.

Bishwas-py commented 3 months ago

Closing it for now. Please feel free to restart or mention or reopen this issue.