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heimrichhannot/contao-isotope-bundle unter 4.6.6 - Problem mit Abhängigkeiten #2

Open lindesbs opened 5 years ago

lindesbs commented 5 years ago

Wortlaut der Fehlermeldung

$ /usr/bin/php71 '-q' 'myDomain/web/contao-manager.phar.php' 'composer' 'require' 'heimrichhannot/contao-isotope-bundle' '--no-progress' '--no-suggest' '--no-update' '--no-scripts' '--prefer-stable' '--sort-packages' '--no-ansi' '--no-interaction' 2>&1

Using version ^0.11.22 for heimrichhannot/contao-isotope-bundle
myDomain/composer.json has been updated

# Process terminated with exit code 0
# Result: OK

$ /usr/bin/php71 '-q' 'myDomain/web/contao-manager.phar.php' 'composer' 'update' 'heimrichhannot/contao-isotope-bundle' '--with-dependencies' '--prefer-dist' '--no-dev' '--no-progress' '--no-suggest' '--no-ansi' '--no-interaction' '--optimize-autoloader' 2>&1

Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

  Problem 1
    - Conclusion: don't install heimrichhannot/contao-slick-bundle 1.0.0-beta14
    - Conclusion: don't install heimrichhannot/contao-slick-bundle 1.0.0-beta13
    - Conclusion: don't install heimrichhannot/contao-slick-bundle 1.0.0-beta12
    - Conclusion: don't install heimrichhannot/contao-slick-bundle 1.0.0-beta11
    - Conclusion: don't install heimrichhannot/contao-slick-bundle 1.0.0-beta10
    - Conclusion: don't install heimrichhannot/contao-slick-bundle 1.0.0-beta9
    - Conclusion: don't install heimrichhannot/contao-slick-bundle 1.0.0-beta8
    - Conclusion: don't install heimrichhannot/contao-slick-bundle 1.0.0-beta7
    - Conclusion: don't install heimrichhannot/contao-slick-bundle 1.0.0-beta6
    - Conclusion: don't install heimrichhannot/contao-slick-bundle 1.0.0-beta5
    - Conclusion: don't install heimrichhannot/contao-slick-bundle 1.0.0-beta4
    - Conclusion: don't install heimrichhannot/contao-slick-bundle 1.0.0-beta3
    - Conclusion: don't install heimrichhannot/contao-slick-bundle 1.0.0-beta2
    - Conclusion: remove symfony/framework-bundle v4.1.6
    - Installation request for heimrichhannot/contao-slick-bundle ^1.0.0-beta -> satisfiable by heimrichhannot/contao-slick-bundle[1.0.0-beta, 1.0.0-beta10, 1.0.0-beta11, 1.0.0-beta12, 1.0.0-beta13, 1.0.0-beta14, 1.0.0-beta2, 1.0.0-beta3, 1.0.0-beta4, 1.0.0-beta5, 1.0.0-beta6, 1.0.0-beta7, 1.0.0-beta8, 1.0.0-beta9].
    - Conclusion: don't install symfony/framework-bundle v4.1.6
    - heimrichhannot/contao-slick-bundle 1.0.0-beta requires symfony/framework-bundle ^3.4 -> satisfiable by symfony/framework-bundle[v3.4.0, v3.4.1, v3.4.10, v3.4.11, v3.4.12, v3.4.13, v3.4.14, v3.4.15, v3.4.16, v3.4.17, v3.4.2, v3.4.3, v3.4.4, v3.4.5, v3.4.6, v3.4.7, v3.4.8, v3.4.9].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/framework-bundle[v3.4.0, v4.1.6].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/framework-bundle[v3.4.1, v4.1.6].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/framework-bundle[v3.4.10, v4.1.6].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/framework-bundle[v3.4.11, v4.1.6].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/framework-bundle[v3.4.12, v4.1.6].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/framework-bundle[v3.4.13, v4.1.6].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/framework-bundle[v3.4.14, v4.1.6].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/framework-bundle[v3.4.15, v4.1.6].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/framework-bundle[v3.4.16, v4.1.6].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/framework-bundle[v3.4.17, v4.1.6].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/framework-bundle[v3.4.2, v4.1.6].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/framework-bundle[v3.4.3, v4.1.6].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/framework-bundle[v3.4.4, v4.1.6].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/framework-bundle[v3.4.5, v4.1.6].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/framework-bundle[v3.4.6, v4.1.6].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/framework-bundle[v3.4.7, v4.1.6].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/framework-bundle[v3.4.8, v4.1.6].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/framework-bundle[v3.4.9, v4.1.6].
    - Installation request for symfony/framework-bundle (locked at v4.1.6) -> satisfiable by symfony/framework-bundle[v4.1.6].

Running update with --no-dev does not mean require-dev is ignored, it just means the packages will not be installed. If dev requirements are blocking the update you have to resolve those problems.

# Process terminated with exit code 2
# Result: Misuse of shell builtins



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