frifox / gw2dps

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Actual Issue - Fail to function despite "successful .dll injection" #51

Open Sadrien opened 6 years ago

Sadrien commented 6 years ago

Current attempted to run with Gw2-64.exe and the .exe says .dll injection successful, however none of the hotkeys function and after resetting the game, and reopening the .exe program again it still did not function. All listed required programs are installed. Is it because the downloadable program is not updated even though source is?

snakelayer commented 6 years ago

Yes, you are correct. The last comment in still reflects the current situation. The latest release was nearly a year ago and the offsets have definitely changed since then.

Sadrien commented 6 years ago

Install Git Install Visual Studio 2013 Install CMake Setup Boost download BOOST extract to c:\local so boost root ends up as "c:\local\boost_1_59_0" open cli and run, Opened in MinGW64:/c window through Git shortcut ran commands setx BOOST_ROOT "c:\local\boost_1_59_0" SUCCESS: Specified value was saved. set BOOST_ROOT=c:\local\boost_1_59_0

cd %BOOST_ROOT% bash: cd: %BOOST_ROOT%: No such file or directory

I checked and %BOOST_ROOT% opens perfectly fine in my windows file search under computer and therefore should be a valid directory. Any ideas?

Sadrien commented 6 years ago

cd c:\hacklib git clone . git clone ./src/hacklib_gw2 git clone ./src/gw2dps rd /s /q src\disableGfx src\injector src\veh_benchmark src\example src\overlay

bash: rd: command not found

frifox commented 6 years ago

The instructions are for windows. The error implies you're using bash, a linux shell

Sadrien commented 6 years ago

I should not be, i'm on a windows computer. It must be a settings error with my git setup. I guess I should reinstall.

Do you know what the commands should be for bash, in the event that i'm unable to change the console it uses?

EDIT: I reinstalled and created a Git CMD, will redo instructions.

Sadrien commented 6 years ago

When attempting to run "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" reports the following- 'Error in script usage. The correct usage is: vcvarsall.bat [option] or vcvarsall.bat [option] store, etc., where [option] is: x86 i amd64 i x86_amd64 i etc, where version number is either full windows 10 or 8.1 to use 8.1 windows SDK ; the store parameter sets environment path variables to support store rather than desktop development ; For Example: vcvarsall.bat x86_amd64, etc, ; Please make sure either Visual Studio of C++ Build SKU is installed' Visual Studio 14.0 is installed.