frillip / averclock

Winter 2012/2013: Just an exercise in timers. Oh, it's a clock. It can be controlled via bluetooth for no reason.
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NTP client/server support #9

Open frillip opened 11 years ago

frillip commented 11 years ago

Requires an IP stack and ethernet controller.

Apparently @naggie has an all in one thing I can have.

NTP protocol is fairly simple. Both client and server implementations would be useful.

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Ties in nicely with #8

naggie commented 11 years ago

I shall bring it on caturday. Please send text to remind this evening.

frillip commented 11 years ago

Turns out le ethernet controller is just an ethernet controller. No IP stack.

It is a Microchip ENC28J60, rather than a Wiznet W5100.

I shall have to implement ARP/IP/UDP/DHCP/NTP myself, or find a suitable library.