fringd / zipline

A gem that lets you stream a zip file from rails
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ZipTricks::PathSet::Conflict in rspec test but not in normal environment #62

Closed nagyt234 closed 4 years ago

nagyt234 commented 4 years ago

I'm upgrading my project from Rails 4 to 5 (currently to and I run my tests.

At a simply download in my test I get the following error (however the same functionality in the browser has no problem):

  1) Transmittal Pages Download Zip File Should give the correct file 
     Failure/Error: click_link I18n.t(:download_zip_file)

       The file at "test-rev-1.pdf" has already been included
       in the archive. Adding it the second time would cause
       the first file to be overwritten during unarchiving, and
       could also get the archive flagged as invalid.
     # ./spec/features/transmittal_pages_spec.rb:1801:in `block (5 levels) in <top (required)>'

This the test spec:

  describe "Download Zip File" do
    before do
      # Schedule transmittal first
      login_as_user @user_root
      visit transmittal_path @root_transmittal_filled
      click_link I18n.t(:transmittal_schedule)
      click_link I18n.t(:download_zip_file)
      @tmp_transmittal = Transmittal.find(

    describe "Should give the correct file" do
      specify { 
        response_headers['Content-Type'].should eq "application/zip"
        response_headers['Content-Disposition'].should match @root_transmittal_filled.code
        # check file name in the ZIP file (remove _1,_2,etc., implicating duplicate names)
          map {|zf| \([0-9]+\)\.pdf/, '.pdf')}.sort.should eq(
  {|tf| tf.file_asset.asset_file_name}.sort)
  end # Download Zip File

The click_link I18n.t(:download_zip_file) initiates the following controller action:

  # GET /transmittals/1/download
  def download
    Transmittal.transaction do
      @transmittal.download_count += 1!

      files = @transmittal.get_download_file_list
      zipline( files, sanitize_filename( "#{@transmittal.code}.zip" ))

I am using the following versions: zipline (1.2.1) zip_tricks (5.3.1) rubyzip (2.3.0)

fringd commented 4 years ago

it sounds like some instance variables or state is being maintained across test runs. This is probably a bug in the test or test environment?

nagyt234 commented 4 years ago

You're right. This is a bug in my test, sorry.