fringd / zipline

A gem that lets you stream a zip file from rails
MIT License
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Zipline not executing locally #66

Closed TrevorHinesley closed 3 years ago

TrevorHinesley commented 3 years ago

I'm running a pretty vanilla zipline setup, but running zipline as the last function in a controller action doesn't seem to be executing anything.

Ruby 2.5.1, Rails 6.0.2, Zipline 1.2.1

It's an array of arrays, and even if I run it with the following from the controller, the endpoint executes just fine, but no download happens (assume the URL is a signed S3 url):

class DownloadController < ApplicationController
  include Zipline
  layout "authenticated"

  def download_all
    urls = [
      ["", "filename.mp3"]
    zipline(urls, "bulk_download_#{Time.current.to_i}.zip")

I'm using Puma, but is there something else I'm missing?

If I pass a fake URL, it still completes the request. It seems like something's not firing properly.

EDIT: Passing a fake URL throws an error (Read error: #<ArgumentError: Bad File/Stream>); I was mistaken. So it's executing, but nothing happens in the browser and the request looks complete in the console logs.

TrevorHinesley commented 3 years ago

Passing a fake URL throws an error (Read error: #<ArgumentError: Bad File/Stream>); I was mistaken. So it's executing, but nothing happens in the browser and the request looks complete in the console logs.

TrevorHinesley commented 3 years ago

Ahh figured it out. Has something to do with it being done via an XHR/AJAX POST. Does it need to have a particular Accept header to work properly? Not sure why AJAX would matter unless that has streaming restrictions of some kind.

TrevorHinesley commented 3 years ago

Might be due to download limitations of AJAX itself:

you can't do it through Ajax because JavaScript cannot save files directly to a user's computer (out of security concerns)

Workaround was creating a form with Javascript, appending it to the page, and POSTing that.