frioux / DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler
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Using newer-style package declarations seems to confuse. #51

Closed perlpilot closed 7 years ago

perlpilot commented 7 years ago

If I have a declaration such as

package My::Schema 5 {
    # ...

I get an error like

Attribute (schema_version) does not pass the type constraint because: Schema version (currently '5') must be a string at reader DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Dad::schema_version

If I change the declaration to be

package My::Schema  {
    our $VERSION = 5;
    # ...

it all works well.

(sorry for the terseness)

frioux commented 7 years ago

Can you build a test for this? If you do I'll handle making the rest of the code work with it.

frioux commented 7 years ago

Fixed in git. Will release soonish.