frioux / DBIx-Class-Helpers
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Version 2.034001 broke results_exist on Oracle #104

Open abraxxa opened 4 years ago

abraxxa commented 4 years ago


ribasushi commented 4 years ago

Hrm... Since the Oracle tests no longer work ( can you please distill this down to a one-liner-ish example and provide the full exception text.

abraxxa commented 4 years ago

It's as simple as $rs->results_exist for any $rs as the generated SQL syntax SELECT EXISTS doesn't exist :rofl:.

ribasushi commented 4 years ago

Given the current state of affairs, I have to write a patch, completely blind, against a database I do not have easy access to. Please either provide a complete PR that solves your case (not a random SO link), OR alternatively provide the exact thing I requested above.

abraxxa commented 4 years ago

Is that sufficient? Devel::REPL run of

say rs('Device')->results_exists;

  FROM ( 
        SELECT 42 
          FROM device me
   ) AS _existence_subq
Runtime error: DBD::Oracle::db prepare_cached failed: ORA-00936: missing expression (DBD ERROR: error possibly near <*> indicator at char 23 in 'SELECT * FROM ( SELECT <*>EXISTS (SELECT 42 FROM device me ) ) AS _existence_subq ') [for Statement "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 42 FROM device me ) ) AS _existence_subq "]

Trace begun at /home/ahartmai/.plenv/versions/30.0/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.30.0/DBIx/Class/Storage/ line 1850
DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_prepare_sth('DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Oracle::Generic=HASH(0x55f7d782e248)', 'DBI::db=HASH(0x55f7d7f60218)', 'SELECT * FROM ( SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 42 FROM device me ) ) AS _existence_subq ') called at /home/ahartmai/.plenv/versions/30.0/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.30.0/DBIx/Class/Storage/ line 1829
ribasushi commented 4 years ago

Is that sufficient

Yep that's perfect, thanks! I'll write something up tomorrow if @frioux or @rabbiveesh don't beat me to it.

rabbiveesh commented 4 years ago

And for all the work I spent making sure the codebase would even try to test it...

ribasushi commented 4 years ago

@rabbiveesh based on history Oracle broke prior to your fixes. I.e. it's been disabled for a while for some unrelated reason, @frioux would know more...

ribasushi commented 4 years ago

@rabbiveesh @abraxxa I see why this was disabled: I suppose one of you could try to fix and then be able to run I am not setup for docker properly, so yet again I'll have to try this towards the weekend, but knowing that the core tests run: would be a good starting point.