frioux / DBIx-Class-Helpers
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DBIx::Class::Helper::Row::OnColumnMissing returns an empty list in list context #63

Closed dnmfarrell closed 8 years ago

dnmfarrell commented 8 years ago

When a DBIx::Class::Result uses this helper it changes the behavior of column accessor methods in newly created objects.

package MyApp::Schema::TestAccessor;
use warnings;
use strict;
use base qw( DBIx::Class::Core );

  id => { },
  title => { },
  user_id => {},

sub on_column_missing {'nothing'}

my $obj = $schema->resultset("TestAccessor")->create({id=>2,user_id=>1});
$obj->title; # undef
my @answers = $obj->title; # ()


my $obj = $schema->resultset("TestAccessor")->find(2);
$obj->title; # undef
my @answers = $obj->title; # (undef)
frioux commented 8 years ago

Fixed and released as of 2.032002!