frioux / Syntax-Keyword-Gather

Implements the Perl 6 'gather/take' control structure in Perl 5
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gather/take + try/catch failure #9

Open leonerd opened 5 years ago

leonerd commented 5 years ago

I've been testing out pairs of syntax-extension modules, and I have encountered the case that Syntax::Keyword::Gather + Syntax::Keyword::Try don't quite interact properly.

A take inside a try block appears to go unnoticed. Oddly though, take inside catch works fine.

I'm unsure yet if it's an issue with SKG or SKT, but I thought I'd report here so you're aware.

leonerd commented 5 years ago

Test case:


use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;

   plan skip_all => "Syntax::Keyword::Gather >= 1.000 is not available"
      unless eval { require Syntax::Keyword::Gather;
                    Syntax::Keyword::Gather->VERSION( '1.000' ) };
   plan skip_all => "Syntax::Keyword::Try >= 0.07 is not available"
      unless eval { require Syntax::Keyword::Try;
                    Syntax::Keyword::Try->VERSION( '0.07' ) };


   diag( "Syntax::Keyword::Gather $Syntax::Keyword::Gather::VERSION, " .
         "Syntax::Keyword::Try $Syntax::Keyword::Try::VERSION" );

# take inside try
   my @gathered = gather {
      take 1;
      try {
         take 2;
      catch { }
      take 3;
   is_deeply( \@gathered, [ 1 .. 3 ],
      'take inside try'

# take inside catch
   my @gathered = gather {
      take 4;
      try {
         die "Oopsie";
      catch {
         take 5;
      take 6;
   is_deeply( \@gathered, [ 4 .. 6 ],
      'take inside catch'

leonerd commented 5 years ago

Yields output:

t/80gather+try.t ....... # Syntax::Keyword::Gather 1.003002, Syntax::Keyword::Try 0.09_001t/80gather+try.t ....... 1/? 
#   Failed test 'take inside try'
#   at t/80gather+try.t line 33.
#     Structures begin differing at:
#          $got->[1] = '3'
#     $expected->[1] = '2'
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 2.
t/80gather+try.t ....... Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)