fritz-smh / yi-hack

Xiaomi Yi Ants camera hack
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Creating a version for the XiaoFang 1080p camera #118

Open no1knows opened 7 years ago

no1knows commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to hack the XiaoFang 1080p camera (i.e. this:

I've got root access over serial and worked out what filename to include on the microSD (that gets launched on insert): "" so I can now easily change the root password and launch telnetd. It already runs boa web server (albeit with no content to serve, yet).

fritz-smh - could you give me some pointers on compiling the rtsp binary so I can create a version for the XiaoFang?

fijter commented 7 years ago

@no1knows good stuff! Not an expert in this but I'd like to check out the fs as well to see what I can do. I've managed to enable telnetd through but changing the root password with echo "root:testing123" | chpasswd didn't do the trick for me. Can you share what you did to get in?

no1knows commented 7 years ago

I originally got in over serial (by soldering leads onto the camera's motherboard) but I managed to brute force the root password yesterday so that should make life easier. It's "ismart12".

fijter commented 7 years ago

Thanks, great job. This device looks totally different from the Yi if I look at the script placed here. The processes iSC3S (I think for the streams itself) and miio_client (I think for cloud connection) do all the work. The device is constantly connected to a Chinese cloud server even when you are not using it, which is kind of creepy ;)

They didn't even bother to try to hide that this is just a iSmartAlarm Spot system with a slightly custom firmware; Even the hostname still is iSmartAlarm. The hardware is based on the Sonix 98600 SoC ( which just seems to be a ARM based embedded linux platform with some webcam streams.

I wasn't able to use chpasswd since it's not in the Busybox build; passwd is so that could possibly be used but why bother with the default root password you bruteforced ;) A simple in the root of my SD card with telnetd& inside of it was enough to give me root access using telnet.

The rtspsrv binary from this project seems to be some kind of live555 media server based server; I tried to run it but it didn't work because of some missing dependancy on this Busybox installation.

The iSC3S keeps the /dev/video0 device busy, as soon as I kill the process this resource is available again. Once you kill the iSC3S app the device reboots after a moment, I tried killing iSC3S and test_UP but it still rebooted; So in order to produce a RTSP stream this auto reboot needs to be disabled so the iSC3S app can be killed. The Boa webserver is indeed running on it with just a /cgi-bin/hello.cgi test script and a symlink to the SD card contents at /SDCard/, nothing really special or noteworthy.

SoniX seems to have a SDK but of course this doesn't seem to be publicly available. This is where it ends for me now since I don't have any experience with building binaries for embedded systems or decompiling/analysing the existing binaries. Hopefully it can be of some help on your quest to get this device to work; I think the hardware is great for the price if we can fully utilise it without having to rely on a third party app and a Chinese cloud to work.

no1knows commented 7 years ago

Thanks, that's all useful info. It's easy to disable the camera's phone-home and video streaming functionality - simply comment out the last line in /etc/init.d/rcS: # /usr/bin/iSC3S/iSC3S &

...and then reboot. It'll then happily sit there doing nothing, including not connecting to wifi - so don't do this unless you have serial wires soldered to the board.

Looks like the Live555 rtsp server code is here: but I don't have any experience compiling for Arm systems either so will need to do some digging. Judging by some RPi threads, sounds like ffmpeg, cvlc or avconf could also create rtp streams if we can get them compiled and running on the camera. I suspect the issue will be that these need some grunt so unless we can take advantage of the SoC's hardware encoding, the CPU might struggle.

The SoniX SDK would be useful! I found the programming guide here: (also attached: SN986 Series SDK Programming Guide.pdf)

Paragraph 9.1 looks interesting:

9.1 SONiX Galaxy Streaming Sever. SONiX Galaxy is a full function streaming server for both video and audio in SONiX SN986 Serial SDK. Galaxy receives the live encoded video( from the hardware codec) and audio( from SONIX SN986 Serial middleware)as input, and then streams it through RTP over RTSP over UDP/TCP/HTTP. Users can connect to Galaxy and get video/audio stream through the IE browsers or the VLC Media players on the PC、mobile phone or the mobile pad.

I can't find the SDK or SONiX Galaxy Streaming Sever anywhere... Don't suppose anyone can get their hands on either?

no1knows commented 7 years ago

I've also found the attached "SN98600 Video Codec Programing Guide". SN986 Series Video Codec Programing Guide.pdf

jeffrey-bosma commented 7 years ago

The iSC3S keeps the /dev/video0 device busy, as soon as I kill the process this resource is available again. Once you kill the iSC3S app the device reboots after a moment, I tried killing iSC3S and test_UP but it still rebooted; So in order to produce a RTSP stream this auto reboot needs to be disabled so the iSC3S app can be killed.

The iSC3S process interacts with /dev/watchdog and the board will reboot itself shortly after the process hangs or dies. I found that killing iSC3S and then unloading the watchdog kernel module (rmmod snx_wdt) will stop this reboot behavior.

magnets110 commented 7 years ago

I think I found the SN986 SDK


rehosted on mega!UpUmHDyJ!xGf7OvWNcRp-pXRxQ4e-Ze06WtnimWaB9rhF_ca5ibc

no1knows commented 7 years ago

Great work! I extracted SN986_1.50_037a_20151022_1049/package/app/galaxy-server.tgz to a microSD card. It also needs the following libraries: from middleware/video.tgz from middleware/snx-cap-lib.tgz from middleware/snxconf.tgz

So I put those in the galaxy-server/rootfs/lib folder alongside the existing and

Once the microSD card is in the camera, telnet into it and then stop Xiaomi's streaming/cloud process hogging /dev/video[0-2] (thanks jeffrey-bosma!):

killall test_UP
kill -9 623 # replace "623" with whatever PID is associated with /usr/bin/iSC3S/iSC3S (which you can see by running "ps")
rmmod snx_wdt

Then cp the Galaxy Server config files from the microSD card into /etc: cp -R /media/mmcblk0p1/galaxy-server/rootfs/root/etc_default/* /etc/

Then tell the camera where to find the new libraries, since we can't copy them into /lib as the filesystem is read only: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/media/mmcblk0p1/galaxy-server/rootfs/lib

Then, at last, ./sonix-proj (in galaxy-server/rootfs/bin/) finally executes and spits out the following:

/media/mmcblk0p1/galaxy-server/bin # ./sonix-proj
Create recording fun[id:1]
Create recording fun[id:2]
Create recording fun[id:3]
init watchdog ok
Log name : console  Maxsize is 1048576
create video source [uuid:38BDB80C-9662-49AE-B53D-A046097950B4] /dev/video0  1280x720 @ 30 with h264
create video source [uuichannel 0 buffer count=2, size=462848
d:B93E7FB4-D37B-404F-9333-7F4E75919F29] /dev/video0  640x480 @ 30 with h264
create video source [uuid:B93E7FB4-D37B-404F-9333-7F4E75919F31] /dev/video0  640x480 @ 30 with mjpeg
create audio source [uuid:E2C4CF08-4BD2-48C8-9EDB-B390BAF5C893] snx_audio_mulaw @ 8000 with mulaw  bitrate:64000
WARNING : snx_conf.c 774:file /tmp/sources.conf is existing
nokey value is video h264 /dev/video0 640x480 30 /dev/video2 640x480 30 bitrate 614400 -1 30
debug: width 640 height 480  scales 1
debug: ispdev /dev/video0 codec_dev /dev/video2
debug:isp fps  30 codec fps 30
sc2135 start streaming
----->has ability to crop!!
cropcap.defrect = (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
----->sussess crop to (0, 0, 640, 480)
snx_audsnx_vc snx_vc: snx_vc_open: Created instance c31d6800, m2m_ctx: c33aa800
io_mulaw, 8000, 64000, mulaw, 0, uuid:e2c4cf08-4bd2-48c8-9edb-b390baf5c893
create audio source [uuid:E2C4CF08-4BD2-48C8-9EDB-B390BAF5C895] snx_audio_alaw @ 8000 with alaw  bitrate:64000
create audio source [uuid:E2C4CF08-4BD2-48C8-9EDB-B39snx_vc snx_vc: snx_vidioc_s_parm: snx_vidioc_s_parm: OUTPUT fps == 30
0BAF5C897] snx_audio_g72snx_vc snx_vc: snx_vidioc_s_parm: snx_vidioc_s_parm: CAPTURE fps == 30
6 @ 8000 with g726  bitrate:16000
snapshot res is 1280x720
snx_audio_alaw, 8000, 64000, alaw, 0, uuid:e2c4cf08-4bd2-48c8-9edb-b390baf5c895
snx_audio_g726, 8000, 16000, g726, 0, uuid:e2c4cf08-4bd2-48c8-9edb-b390baf5c897
isp init ok============
snx_vc snx_vc: s_fmt: Setting format for type 2, wxh: 640x480, fmt: 808596563
640 480  scale == 1
snx_vc snx_vc: s_fmt: Setting format for type 1, wxh: 640x480, fmt: 875967048
<<<snx_vb2_alloc>>> alloc size=925696 reduce size=462848
codec init ok============  CODEC
Can find folder rc-snx_vc snx_vc: snx_vc_release: Releasing instance c31d6800
>rc_folder, default folder is /etc/rc
Segmentation fault

So close! I have absolutely no idea what the issue is - perhaps a missing app/library? Incorrect config? I haven't looked at the conf files (in galaxy-server/rootfs/root/etc_default/) in detail yet, so suspect they need tailoring to the specific webcam hardware. I attach the folder containing all the necessary files:

It would certainly help if we had the "SN986 Serial Galaxy Streaming Server Application Note" that's referred to in the SDK programming guide. @magnets110 - could you work your searching magic on that?

p.s. to stop iSC3S starting up in the first place, comment out the last line in /etc/init.d/rcS ("# /usr/bin/iSC3S/iSC3S &"). This will stop wifi starting up as well but you can make that happen by adding the following into /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf:


...and the following into /etc/init.d/rc.local:

sleep 5
echo "Start wifi..."
ifconfig wlan0 up
wpa_supplicant -B -iwlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
udhcpc -i wlan0
samtap commented 7 years ago

For some reason the trick doesn't work for me. The script isn't executed or telnetd fails to start, either way I get connection refused when trying to connect over telnet. I still have the 'original' firmware (, app wants to update to but I'm refusing).

How should the sd card be formatted? Are there any instructions available (a photo would be awesome) of the cable connections for serial console?

fijter commented 7 years ago

@no1knows Good work on getting rid of the running cloud stuff and @magnets110 great work on finding the SDK. Not sure if Galaxy server is going to do us any good for getting a local RTSP stream up and running, it looks like this service just connects the stream to a configurable cloud server. Too bad the documentation of the SDK is a bit lacking, can't find an example for a RTSP server in there without the cloud connect part; Maybe I should look a bit harder ;)

@samtap Just a FAT32 formatted card, the file should be in the root of that card containing telnetd & - Please note that this script doesn't get executed on boot like the Yi device but on insertion of the SD card, so just leave your cam on, remove the SD, replace it, wait until you hear a sound and telnetd should be running. If you reboot the device with the card inserted you need to re-inject it for it to run again.

jonnycastaway commented 7 years ago

I did the telnet thing so: First start with the trick. Then in /etc/init.d/rc.local remove the last line that begins with "cp " then Append on the end "/bin/sleep 30 && telnetd"

so after every reboot the script waits 30 seconds and then start the telnet daemon no SD-Card needed. it also stays after press the setup switch and connect to a new network. only a reboot after the successful reconf is needed.

But attention, it will broke by a firmware update.

jonnycastaway commented 7 years ago

I searched in the SDK to and find the SnOnvif executable. It also will have an extra library. i copy the files SnOnvif and to my card, add the Library Path as described above and start SnOnvif but get the same error: Segmentation fault

Nothing more. :-/

samtap commented 7 years ago

@fijter Thanks, it works when inserting the sd-card after boot. Strange, but anyway it's only needed once, to make the fix in /etc/init.d/rc.local

The SDK actually contains live555 rtsp_server! So I have high hopes we'll get somewhere. I was able to build and run it but unfortunately it also segfaults. But gdbserver is available so next step is creating a debug build.

/tmp # ./snx_rtsp_server Video source = /dev/video1 ----->has ability to crop!! cropcap.defrect = (0, 0, 1920, 1080) ----->sussess crop to (0, 0, 1280, 720) 1280 720 scale == 1 Can find folder rc->rc_folder, default folder is /etc/rc Segmentation fault (core dumped)

petero-dk commented 7 years ago

I have just purchased a couple of these. I will start by testing the above. This is to let you know there is one more interested party willing to test and contribute. Wish: rtsp streaming, and final hope: Onvif support with events.

no1knows commented 7 years ago

@samtap - can't believe I didn't see that. I'm trying to cross compile it on Ubuntu 16.04 but struggling. Sounds like you know what you're doing rather better than me... keep us posted!

samtap commented 7 years ago

It's working reasonably well. You'll need to get middleware/_install/lib/ from the SDK as well.

/tmp # ./snx_rtsp_server_dbg Video source = /dev/video1 ----->has ability to crop!! cropcap.defrect = (0, 0, 1920, 1080) ----->sussess crop to (0, 0, 1280, 720) 1280 720 scale == 1 Can find folder rc->rc_folder, default folder is /etc/rc [snx_get_file_value] open md_ratectl_en error Start V4L2 Capture... /dev/video1

------- V4L2 Infomation -------- m2m_en: 1 codec_dev: /dev/video1 codec_fps: 30 isp_fps: 30 width: 1280 height: 720 scale: 1 bit_rate: 1048576 dyn_fps_en: 0 GOP: 30 ds_font_num: 128

isp buffers: 1384448 , outpack maxsize : 262144 lay this stream using the URL: "rtsp://" H264 thread 1280x720 m_a profile-level-id=644029;sprop-parameter-sets=Z2RAKawsqAUAW5A=,aO44gA== RTSP DESCRIBE received auxLine a=fmtp:96 profile-level-id=644029;sprop-parameter-sets=Z2RAKawsqAUAW5A=,aO44gA==

RTSP SETUP received RTSP PLAY received out tv_sec: 1484002726, fps: 1, bandwidth: 10 kbps afterGettingFrame1: start playing time 1484002726:873275 RTSP GET_PARAMETER received out tv_sec: 1484002727, fps: 11, bandwidth: 102 kbps out tv_sec: 1484002728, fps: 10, bandwidth: 85 kbps out tv_sec: 1484002729, fps: 10, bandwidth: 330 kbps out tv_sec: 1484002730, fps: 10, bandwidth: 93 kbps out tv_sec: 1484002731, fps: 10, bandwidth: 87 kbps out tv_sec: 1484002732, fps: 10, bandwidth: 330 kbps out tv_sec: 1484002733, fps: 10, bandwidth: 94 kbps out tv_sec: 1484002734, fps: 10, bandwidth: 85 kbps out tv_sec: 1484002735, fps: 10, bandwidth: 330 kbps out tv_sec: 1484002736, fps: 10, bandwidth: 91 kbps out tv_sec: 1484002737, fps: 10, bandwidth: 87 kbps out tv_sec: 1484002738, fps: 10, bandwidth: 331 kbps out tv_sec: 1484002739, fps: 10, bandwidth: 92 kbps RTSP TEARDOWN received

^CSignal received (2) Exiting....
~V4L2DeviceSource stopping: (null) Segmentation fault (core dumped) /tmp #

Seems to be limited to 10fps? It drops even lower when I move the cam around a bit.

ykhandler commented 7 years ago

Hi samtap. I need a hand on xiaomi yi ants 17CN rtspsvr. Can i have your email? Or maybe you can email me on Thx..

no1knows commented 7 years ago

@samtap looks promising! can you share the compiled binary for me to test? What system did you compile it on? Any tips/tricks for cross compiling?

jonnycastaway commented 7 years ago

@samtap did you cross compile it for arm? any special parameters or packages needed? i have a ubuntu install with cross compile things for arm to so i can also test and check this.

samtap commented 7 years ago

@no1knows I built it on Kubuntu 16.10 x64. There're a couple of small issues to resolve when using the SDK. Is there anything particular you're running into?

Basicly what I did to build snx_rtsp_server was change a couple of scripts to use bash instead of sh (change #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/bash). Run sdk.unpack. I run but it's probably safe to omit. Add bin and lib from the toolchain dirs to PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. There's probably a better way to do this with a crosstool command. I had to create an empty file buildscript/include/config/snx_sdk.conf. Also had to mess around in some perl file to make it work with the perl version on my machine. When all is well you should be able to enter the buildscript dir and build the kernel with make oldconfig && make. This builds a kernel image and sets everything up so you'll be able to build the apps using their individual makefiles.

Note there's lots of room for tweaking stuff. You can configure the kernel with 'make menuconfig' and there're lots of config files that I didn't touch. I was able to debug with the supplied arm-linux-gdb so that's promising. But eventually you'll probably need knowledge about the low level hardware to tweak the SDK for our specific target. Also the SDK might be a bit outdated (Oct 2015) and not match the latest firmware (though my binaries work on the latest fw). We should also look for a recovery method (I'm sure there's some way to flash it from the sd card, maybe bootloader output gives some clues?). Before messing with the system and risking to brick the device ;-)

petero-dk commented 7 years ago

I am currently in the process of aquiring the latest SDK for the platform, is any one sure which of the SN986 versions this is?

Part No Package Type Max Performance DDR LCD/HDMI I2S I2C SPI TV-out MIPI Serial/NAND Flash JTAG
SN98600 LQFP128 1080P15 64MB DDR2 SIP N/A N/A 1 1 V V Serial/NAND Flash N/A
SN98601 LQFP128 1080P15 64MB DDR2 SIP N/A N/A 1 1 N/A V Serial Flash V
SN98610 TFBGA292 1080P15 16 / 32-bit DDR2 V V 2 2 V V Serial/NAND Flash V
SN98660 LQFP128 1080p30 + 480p30 64MB DDR2 SiP N/A V 2 1 N/A V Serial Flash V
SN98661 LQFP128 1080p30 + 480p30 64MB DDR2 SiP N/A V 1 1 N/A V Serial Flash V
SN98671 QFN88 720p30 + 720p30 32MB DDR2 SiP N/A N/A 1 0 N/A V Serial Flash V
SN98672 QFN88 1080p30 + 480p30 32MB DDR2 SiP N/A N/A 1 0 N/A V Serial Flash V
jeffrey-bosma commented 7 years ago

I am currently in the process of aquiring the latest SDK for the platform, is any one sure which of the SN986 versions this is? [...]

That would be great to have! It's SN98660(AFG), someone posted a teardown here.

no1knows commented 7 years ago

The teardown is a good find. In case anyone is interested in getting a serial console access, the pads are shown in this photo: (see four empty pads on the right hand side labelled 3.3v, rx, tx, gnd). That's on the back of the motherboard, so you need to remove the two ribbon cables and the motherboard to get at the pads. It's pretty striaghtforward - I've done this on both of my cameras and reassembled them with the wires coming out of the back of the camera through a small hole I cut in the plastic grate section between the speaker and USB port. Baud speed is 115,200.

samtap commented 7 years ago

@no1knows I assume you hooked it up to a 3.3v ftdi uart adapter? I'll try this evening. A warning for anyone who tries to connect it directly to an USB or serial port: those run on 5V and will probably fry the board...

samtap commented 7 years ago

RTSP server binaries available here:!aFZDVAiQ!9DBh2xMR9D_JynwtYSiASQ

jonnycastaway commented 7 years ago

@samtap Thank you for the rtsp server, it works perfect exept one little thing. The IR-Filter lens is not working anymore. I think it's also controlled by the iSC3 bin. The delay is 1 second in my config, so its ok. Now im searching a way to switch the ir-filter lens.

jonnycastaway commented 7 years ago

Hey guys, after some testing i doing this to kill the unwanted things and start the rtsp server automatically: first i kill all necsessary processes with the following lines in /etc/init.d/rc.local at the end: killall test_UP ps | grep -i iSC3S | grep -v grep | cut -d " " -f 3 | xargs kill -9 /bin/sleep 30 && rmmod snx_wdt After that i make a new dir in /etc called rtsp and copy the 2 files from samtap in (wget is your friend). so the files are not gone after a reboot. don't forget chmod a+x snx_rtsp_server! Then also in rc.local i do the stuff to load the rtsp server: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/etc/rtsp /etc/rtsp/snx_rtsp_server &

if you do all right your cam runs the rtsp server ;-) test the stream with rtsp://yourcamiphere/unicast

attention, after a reboot it needs 1 minute to do all the stuff and start the rtsp server another thing is that des LED on the back is not lighting up.

this works all without an sd card ;-) and now i can put this cams into my synology suveilance station! Pretty cool!

navigonic commented 7 years ago

Very impressive to see device-hacking happening in real-time. I'm following this thread like a hawk hoping for a howto from your respective successes. Maybe the xiaofang deserves it's own project page? :-)

jonnycastaway commented 7 years ago

Ok, here is a little summary. I merged the Infos from no1knows, samtap, fijter and me. Now i don't start iSC3S and the watchdog. So the new way comes here:

in /etc/init.d/rcS commend out the following lines with an # at the beginning modprobe snx_wdt /usr/bin/iSC3S/iSC3S &

then in /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf remove all in the network section except: ssid="YOURSSID" psk="YOURPASS" fill YOURSSID and YOURPASS with valid Data for your wlan!

make a new dir in /etc called rtsp and copy the 2 files from samtap in (wget is your friend). so the files are not gone after a reboot. don't forget chmod a+x snx_rtsp_server!

in /etc/init.d/rc.local remove the last line that begins with "cp " then Append on the end:

sleep 5 echo "Start wifi..." ifconfig wlan0 up wpa_supplicant -B -iwlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf udhcpc -i wlan0

echo "Start telnet..." /bin/sleep 30 && telnetd

echo "Start RTSP Server..." export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/etc/rtsp /etc/rtsp/snx_rtsp_server -W 1920 -H 1080 -Q 15 -b 4096 -a &

Check all twice! An error may let your device unusable! I have 2 Cams running with this adjustments without Problems.

no1knows commented 7 years ago

Well done everyone! I'll try this out tomorrow and once all tested perhaps get started on an (in a new project) that automates everything to make it easier for others to benefit from all our good work!

@samtap good point - I should have mentioned, no need to hook up the 3.3v - it works fine with just the RX, TX and gnd wires connected. I'm using a cheap universal USB to serial adapter and Putty.

roger- commented 7 years ago

Could someone rebuild the RTSP server with authentication support? It's really easy to add, just a couple extra lines in live555.

fijter commented 7 years ago

Great work all, awesome! :)

In case you didn't find out already, there's an option as well to increase the resolution, bitrate, and enable audio, I ended up with the following command as the last line in rc.local:

/etc/rtsp/snx_rtsp_server -W 1920 -H 1080 -Q 15 -b 4096 -a &

This increases the resolution, quality and enables audio. The only thing I'm missing for now is enabling the IR stuff; Hopefully the SDK provides a useful binary for that as well!

Edit: seems like /app/example/src/ir_ctlgenerates a binary for enabling this, can anyone compile this? Can't get cross compile to work locally.

jonnycastaway commented 7 years ago

@fijter Many thanks for share this big quality improvement! I added your line in the summary. I am searching right now in iSC3S binary for any hints to get ir-lens working.

magnets110 commented 7 years ago

Great work! Is it running smoothly at 1080p30?

mitchelp commented 7 years ago

@jonnycastaway regarding the ir-lens, maybe there is a possibility to read the light sensor (if there is one?) and use that to turn on or off the ir-lens?

My cam is currently running with your "little summary" and it's working quite well. Only the cam is not so clear as I hoped. Maybe we could do some tweaking with the bitrate and fps?

fijter commented 7 years ago

@jonnycastaway @mitchelp please look at /app/example/src/ir_ctl in the SDK, this looks like this does what we need (turn on IR/filter when night, turn it off when day, based on GPIO). It just needs a compile (I tried but I have no experience with cross compiling so didn't get very far). If we have this binary it is probably just another rule in the rc.local to turn that script on.

jonnycastaway commented 7 years ago

@mitchelp yes there is a light sensor. this is used by the original programm to switch the lens. but i have to find out 1. how i can read the light sensor and 2. how can i switch the lens.

For the bitrate and fps thing run snx_rtsp_server -h from the console. here you can see certain parameters to play with.

@fijter thanks for the hint, i will look at the file after my lunch ;-)

You all did a great job !

cycloptux commented 7 years ago

All of this still assumes you're running original firmware, right? I'd have liked to test it out and I'd have no problems getting serial access soldering wires, but I "mistakenly" upgraded the firmware when my cam arrived a couple weeks ago. Are these firmwares available somewhere/flashable in some way?

petero-dk commented 7 years ago

I have upgraded one of my cameras to the latest version, and it does the SD card trick just fine. Have not gotten around to testing the binaries.

fijter commented 7 years ago

@cycloptux don't bother with a downgrade, I had the latest firmware and it works on that.

cycloptux commented 7 years ago

Nice, I'm at work now but I'll try tonight.

jonnycastaway commented 7 years ago

@fijter i can not compile the ir_ctrl.c example but i study it and find the following: in /bin there is a binary called gpio_aud and with this line you can switch the ir leds on: gpio_aud write 1 0 1 and off gpio_aud write 1 0 0

with gpio_aud -h you can find the syntax more news to come, i am close to the ir-cut lens ;-)

dmolner commented 7 years ago

Please could you make instructions for work these in my camera? Is possible put some files in a SD?

samtap commented 7 years ago

Apparently with the latest firmware, the framerate is no longer limited to 10 fps :-). I'm still on the old version though. It would be nice to dump it so we can revert if needed.

I'm not sure if we'll be able to create our own image. I can successfully build one based on the SDK, but its for a generic SN98600. The SDK lacks some stuff required for SN98660. Even with that stuff, you'll need detailed info from the hardware and u-boot but then it should be possible to simply flash the device from a file placed on sd-card (There documentation that proves this is possible).

For the time being I'm not going to risk bricking my device with a custom image. So I'm working on a method to use files placed on sdcard. That way we don't have to mess with the system except for a single rc.local modification. This will include a busybox with lots of goodies like ftpd, netcat and I'll include ir_ctl so somebody can hopefully figure out how it works.

jonnycastaway commented 7 years ago

Ok i got the ir-cut lens to ;-) first an init sequence: gpio_ms1 -n 2 -m 1 -v 0 gpio_aud write 1 1 0 gpio_aud write 0 2 1 gpio_aud write 1 0 0

and then ir-cut lens on: gpio_ms1 -n 2 -m 1 -v 1 and off: gpio_ms1 -n 2 -m 1 -v 0

to switch the led on see my last post ;-) now i come to the light sensor ;-)

the ir_ctl does the same but in a compiled file with a library to the gpios

jonnycastaway commented 7 years ago

ok, next thing, the light sensor. after the init-process in my last post gpio 2 is set to 1 (high) from now you can read that gpio with gpio_aud read 2 if it is 1 then its day. is it 0 then the dark night rises ;-)

fijter commented 7 years ago

I don't know how to connect to it yet/what client to use; But I've got two way audio running as well. The binary is in the SDK (app/two-way-audio/rootfs/bin) and needs, I just placed both in /etc/rtsp, did the export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/etc/rtsp and it fired up some audio server on port 8004. If anyone knows how to communicate with it that would be nice. There's a boa binary as well for a webserver which can be nice but for some reason it doesn't run for me.

arhue commented 7 years ago


I got my cam today and the lack of RTSP was a big bummer. Stumbled upon this thread when looking at ways of getting it. I've never played around with modifying firmware on cams so forgive me if I say something stupid.

Would copying files from the Mega link give me telnet access? Would be interesting to see how much you can play around with the wpa_supplicant. Trunked frames over WiFi to untag them on the device would be super great for me. Someone needs to make a small guide or maybe a script to easily execute on the device for getting RTSP working. Being patient is hard :P

jonnycastaway commented 7 years ago

i saw an error in my gpio initial post: gpio_aud write 1 2 1 i corrected it to: gpio_aud write 0 2 1

mitchelp commented 7 years ago

@johnnycastaway very good work!! That's help full!!

Now we should be able to automate things, maybe we could create a little binaries that runs and reads the status of the light sensor? And according that switch ir on and off? I don't have any experience doing that but there should be somebody here that is capable of creating something like that!