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globally widen drill holes #1663

Open davidperrenoud opened 10 years ago

davidperrenoud commented 10 years ago

From on September 27, 2011 05:57:36

Is this an export step?

Original issue:

davidperrenoud commented 10 years ago

From on September 28, 2011 00:11:15

This has come up twice on the forum:

davidperrenoud commented 10 years ago

From on April 08, 2012 10:35:48

Issue 1135 has been merged into this issue.

davidperrenoud commented 10 years ago

From on June 20, 2012 03:30:17

Issue 2046 has been merged into this issue.

davidperrenoud commented 10 years ago

From on June 21, 2012 04:23:36

r6084 : generic dips, generic sips, mystery parts, screw terminals, pin headers all have resizable pins

Status: Started

failiz commented 3 years ago

From the forum: "Due to metalization of some of my drill holes I could not fit some parts on my pcb (gold pins, screw terminals) I managed to widen to widen some drill holes by changing the SVG for some parts, but it would be great if there was an easier (global) way to do this. " From the other forum link: "I have been working with Fritzing to make a PCB for one of my projects. I managed to get it working, but realized that if I wanted larger solder pads on my PCB (and I did), I'd have to edit every single component's vector footprint. This would be an enormous task.

Then I got to thinking. The footprint of a part is really the part's silkscreen and it's lead diameters and locations. The part is independent of the solder pads. So I'm proposing now that Fritzing change the approach here. Rather than an SVG of the part's pads, there should be some simple way of indicating the part's lead locations and sizes. Then, Fritzing could generate the solder pads to a default size, or allow users to change all pad sizes at once. The pads would be a set radius around the component leads, and so would scale as needed. One could also then set nonstandard pad sizes for each component, or even each lead. The key advantage here would partly be a structural one: part definitions would no longer have pad information, something the part shouldn't "know" about. The change would make changing pad sizes very easy, allowing people like me with slightly-too-big drill bits to make homebrew PCBs :) I thought it was worth suggesting. I know the conversion of existing parts would be a pain. But then, their PCB definitions would be ideologically sound. I'm curious to hear what people think of this."

failiz commented 3 years ago

The second request is not only for holes, also includes pads. I think that the holes are now adjustable individually and thus the is not a big problem. An option to change them globally could be possible, but I am not sure it is very useful. I would opt for closing this and add this to #3620 (edit multiple selected items at once).

failiz commented 2 years ago

Rereading this, it not just for mounting holes. It includes the holes of vias and through hole connectors. Thus, it seems that it is a duplicate of #3786. #3786 seems more concise and better explained. I would close this issue in favour of #3786