Currently, Copper blocker appears at a level between the copper layer and the Silkscreen. When a copper blocker is used on an area where there are components on the same plane, it looks like the Copper blocker will overwrite the pads area. It looks like the user doe snot have the right to use Copper blocker on a place with components. But in the exported Gerber files, the Copper blocker does not cause any trouble to the components, whether through-hole or SMD. Copper blocker only affects Copper fills and Ground fills. Therefore, I think it should be displayed some levels below, between the Copper fill layer and the (component) Copper layer. In the attached example, I found that sending the copper layer two levels back does this.
From on July 21, 2012 18:49:28
Currently, Copper blocker appears at a level between the copper layer and the Silkscreen. When a copper blocker is used on an area where there are components on the same plane, it looks like the Copper blocker will overwrite the pads area. It looks like the user doe snot have the right to use Copper blocker on a place with components. But in the exported Gerber files, the Copper blocker does not cause any trouble to the components, whether through-hole or SMD. Copper blocker only affects Copper fills and Ground fills. Therefore, I think it should be displayed some levels below, between the Copper fill layer and the (component) Copper layer. In the attached example, I found that sending the copper layer two levels back does this.
Attachment: bug-copperblocker1.png bug-copperblocker2.png test-copperblocker.fzz
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