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PCB View "Routing completed" is wrong (not detected a connection to be made, missing ratsnest). #2811

Closed davidperrenoud closed 1 year ago

davidperrenoud commented 10 years ago

From on December 14, 2013 23:28:21

Fritzing 0.8.3b Load the attached fzz

Look in PCB view, you will see it says "Routing Completed" Notice on the top edge of the board the Arduino Uno pin SCK/D13 is not connected to anything (5th pin from the left along the top edge) in this view.

Switch to schematic view See that SCK/D13 is connected in this view.

Schematic view is correct, PCB view is incorrect.

The PCB view for some reason refuses to see that connection from SCK/D13 of the Arduino, and reports routing completed even though it's not, PCB view does not provide ratsnest line for it. Even after deleting and recreating the connection in schematic view, the PCB view does not "see" it.

Attachment: Arduino-ISP-Shield-Manual-Tester.fzz

Original issue:

davidperrenoud commented 10 years ago

From on December 15, 2013 00:16:01

Can replicate with the simplest case: connect D13 to a pinheader in schematic view, no ratsnest in pcb view.

Status: Accepted
Labels: -Priority-Medium Priority-High

davidperrenoud commented 10 years ago

From on December 15, 2013 01:08:16

the d13 pin in schematic view turns out to be the ICSP SCK pin rather than the D13 SCK pin. This affects the other arduino uno parts. Not sure how general a bug it is.

davidperrenoud commented 10 years ago

From on December 15, 2013 01:08:30


davidperrenoud commented 10 years ago

From on December 15, 2013 01:22:56

Hmm, I see, the ICSP header isn't in the PCB but it can be connected to in the BB view (and by this bug in the schematic view).

Seems dangerous to have things you can connect in BB/Schema but not in other views. At least there should probably be some sort of warning about that instead of Routing Completed, "Warning connections exist in {breadboard/schema} which can not be represented in PCB." or something when you do a DRC perhaps.

It was easy for me to not see that missing D13 connection, until I went looking to find out why the finished board didn't work :-)

davidperrenoud commented 10 years ago

From on December 15, 2013 01:48:33

The warning is a good idea, but so is the larger point about being able to connect things in one view that don't exist in another. Also fixing the parts so the pins in the schematic view are the same as the ones in pcb view.


davidperrenoud commented 10 years ago

From on December 15, 2013 02:13:25

r2526ae79106b Arduino Unos, Micro, and Fio were affected.

Status: Started

davidperrenoud commented 10 years ago

From on December 17, 2013 03:40:31

steps to solve the problem: -> schematic icsp/d13 pin problem: the icsp connectors are at the end of the fzp-file. so the schematic gets parsed with the icsp-connectors on top of the normal d13/sck pins. in fact it's not wrong to have the icsp on the same pins in schematic view because they are physically the same pins on the real chip.

-> for easy use: 2 versions for each board. one with and one without icsp.

@bitsyboffin: sorry for the broken board

failiz commented 3 years ago

This issue has been solved. There are versions of the Arduino boards with and without the iscp header. Close the issue? However, I just noticed that there are three versions of the Arduino Uno rev 3. The last one called "ICSP (w/o icsp2)" had the header in BB and PCB view bit not in the sch view? Should we remove it? In any case, this behind to the parts repository. Should we create an issue in that repository?

KjellMorgenstern commented 3 years ago

I think the variants with optional ICSP / ICSP2 headers could be resolved (besides having a part for each variant) with subparts, like issue #3746

failiz commented 3 years ago

@KjellMorgenstern, I agree with your comment. However, this issue (as I understood it) is that before there was an Arduino board that had the ISCP connector in the BB and Sch view and not in the PCB view. The third comment says "the d13 pin in schematic view turns out to be the ICSP SCK pin rather than the D13 SCK pin". And the fith, "Hmm, I see, the ICSP header isn't in the PCB but it can be connected to in the BB view (and by this bug in the schematic view)." Now, this has been fixed with versions with and without the ICSP header in all the views. I do not have the original file, but the second comment specifies a minimal example to replicate the bug: "Can replicate with the simplest case: connect D13 to a pinheader in schematic view, no ratsnest in pcb view." If you try this in 0.9.4, I cannot replicate it.