fritzing / fritzing-app

Fritzing desktop application
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Feature Request: add a button or option to highlight all ground seeds (and/or all pins connected to ground) #3013

Open ElectricRCAircraftGuy opened 9 years ago

ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 9 years ago

I just spent the last couple weekends developing a fairly complex PCB in Fritzing, so that I could send it off to the Fab Lab for manufacture, and I found it a huge burden to repeatedly check my ground seeds. I had probably 20 pins connected to ground, many of them surface mount, and I constantly had to go back and recheck ground seeds each time I removed the copper layer, made modifications, and added the copper ground layer back, because of a couple bugs which unkowningly remove ground seeds (for example, see here:

One REALLY GOOD feature in Fritzing is clicking and holding on a pin to see all connected pins become highlighted. WE REALLY NEED THIS FOR GROUND SEEDS/GROUND PINS TOO!

Please, add some way to highlight all ground seeds simultaneously, whether it be a button, menu option, or clicking and holding on a ground seed.

I know that you can go to the Ground Fill Seed Editor and click the seeds one by one, but this isn't good enough to easily see all of them, especially when you have 20+ ground seeds.


failiz commented 3 years ago

add enhancement label