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Make note font size changeable; note fonts are HUGE compared to parts labels #3141

Open ElectricRCAircraftGuy opened 8 years ago

ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 8 years ago

Please look at the part label font sizes (ex: D13/SCK, D12/MISO, etc) on the Pro Mini part in the below image, as compared to the note font sizes (top-right sticky note). It's pretty absurd. In order to blow up my schematic enough to actually make it readable when I want to print it, I have to first delete all my notes. This could be easily fixed if I could simply make the note fonts as small as the parts labels, as that would dramatically reduce the amount of space each note takes up.

This picture makes it pretty obvious just how large the note fonts are in comparison.



ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 8 years ago

One more thing: please allow a PDF and Image export option to make all parts fonts & labels black instead of grey, during the creation of the PDF for the schematic. This would help greatly when printing the schematics too, so that the printer doesn't try to print with black ink sparsely to make gray. Small grey fonts, when printed, are simply unreadable. If they were black, the printer would print them higher resolution and they would be readable, even at the same font size.

Notice the small grey fonts in the image above; those are the ones I'm referring to.

aknoerig commented 8 years ago

I can't replicate this behaviour on OSX here -- did you maybe paste the note text from an external application? If not, can you give precise steps how to replicate this issue?

As a temporary workaround for comment 1, you could export to SVG, then use Inkscape or Illustrator to set everything to black.

ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 8 years ago

Hi, to replicate the large note fonts, I literally just open Fritzing, open any Fritzing file or create a new one, and insert a note (by clicking "Add a note") while in schematic view. In Schematic view, all notes I insert have huge font. In Breadboard view, the note font appears comparatively smaller, as I think the parts are comparatively larger.

ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 8 years ago

Here is breadboard view, just after creating a new file, dragging out a diode, then clicking "Add a note":

Notice the note font is reasonably sized compared to the diode and the word "fritzing" in the bottom left.


Here is Schematic view, after clicking "Add a note." Notice how tiny the diode part font is compared to the comparatively huge note font. We need the ability to change the note font size. I like to write entire paragraph descriptions sometimes, and the notes take up waaaaaay too much room.


Here's another view of the schematic, zoomed in so we can read the diode part label. Now notice how huge the note font looks compared to the diode font. Also notice how huge the note font is compared to the window fonts, such as "File," "Edit," "Part," etc.


ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 8 years ago

Here's a practical, real-life example. I just finished this circuit. I added some important notes at the bottom, and the notes are so HUGE I can't even print this circuit for reference. I have to zoom out so far to allow the notes to fit that now I can't read anything. :(


bionicbone commented 5 years ago

I know this is an old thread but have to mark +1, it really needs to be half the current size. I'm using the windows 64-bit Version 0.9.3


The note version is v. 4



ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 5 years ago

Kev, I found my preferred solution: I switched to KiCad.

KjellMorgenstern commented 3 years ago

@val43 Github has a feature to "+1" issues, please make use of that. The +1 comments are generally not helpful for statistics.

KjellMorgenstern commented 6 months ago

There are still problems with font in Notes not properly handled. Basically, Fritzing is not aware of richtext content (from copy and pasting) and does not handle it correct in all cases.