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Option to import image file to *.fzz project #3726

Open KhArtNJava opened 3 years ago

KhArtNJava commented 3 years ago


Sometimes I need to look at pinout image of some elements. Now I need to switch to another app (iame viewer) to look at it. But it will be cool, if there will be an option to paste image to Fritzing Schematic from MS Word (via copy/paste) or to import .png or .jpg files and display them to Schematic. Image block could be like Note (Edit - Add Note) block - resizable, movable with mouse drag and drop.

Proposed Solution

To add image import to Fritzing.

KjellMorgenstern commented 3 years ago

Shouldn't that pinout be the same as in the PCB view?

Parts have the option for a (basic) markup documentation. Images are not supported, but URLs . Would that help as a workaround?

Could you provide an example part?

KhArtNJava commented 3 years ago

Hello. I mean, some pins of elements (for example, esp8266) can be configured for different roles. ESP8266 model that I use has only one marking of each port (pin) - D0, D1, etc: image

But, for example, D0 port could be used as WAKE: image

So, I want to paste image from MS Word or LibreOffice Writer to Schematic, to see all possible port usage. It could be like this (I drew it in Paint.Net): image

It could be not only image with pionut. It could be any image, for example, some photo or logo...

HaraldRau commented 3 years ago

Is it a solution to describe the different roles in the metadata? They are displayed when "mouse over".

KjellMorgenstern commented 3 years ago

You can add a special part that allows to load an image. However, the schematic view will only allow monochromatic images. When loading color images, they will look distorted.


image The breadboard view supports color images.

Currently color images will be distorted without any warning. Not user friendly. Possible improvements