fritzing / fritzing-app

Fritzing desktop application
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fritzing and inkscape #821

Open davidperrenoud opened 9 years ago

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on September 14, 2009 06:30:26

There are some problems between fritzing and inkscape. At the very least, the parts creation guidelines need to include some inkscape-specific instructions. In particular, there are two problems I keep seeing:

  1. When saving an svg for fritzing, choose "save as" and then choose the "plain svg" option. This gets rid of all the sodipodi stuff.
  2. Users often take existing images and stretch them to make new ones.
    However, when these stretched images are displayed in Qt (not just fritzing), they are cropped. This is because Inkscape and Qt seem to have different ideas about what the viewBox does. The solution I've found that usually works (not always) is to take the image in inkscape, select all, copy, and then paste this into a new inkscape document. Then select the "document properties" item from the file menu. In the resulting dialog, click the "fit page to selection" button. Now when you save the new document the image won't be cropped in Qt.

Original issue:

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on September 16, 2009 05:22:21

This issue is already documented.

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on September 16, 2009 06:02:48

We've already added code to the parts editor to clean up inkscape-style images. I think there is a way we could detect whether the viewBox is wrong: leaving out the details, the idea would be to render the image, then compare the renderer's defaultSize with the viewBox

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on February 28, 2010 03:46:50

Owner: irascibl
Cc: -merunga -irascibl -brendan.howell

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on September 27, 2010 23:53:03

Labels: Component-Parts

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on September 28, 2010 09:53:57

Issue 798 has been merged into this issue.

Cc: merunga brendan.howell