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User-created parts #875

Closed davidperrenoud closed 9 years ago

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on October 22, 2009 03:54:19

This is a space for Fritzing users to upload and share their self-created parts with others.

Add your part by adding a comment to this issue and attach your part as a .fzpz file. (You can get this by right-clicking your part in the parts palette and then clicking "Export..")

Make sure you have quality-checked it, and add a description in the comments text. If you have any problems with your part, please try to fix it first by getting help in the forums.

Original issue:

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on December 20, 2010 14:16:44

5X8 LED matrix display (such as G-NOR GNM-14581Ax)

Attachment: 5x8 LED matrix.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on December 27, 2010 12:02:38

My first fritzing part: Sensirion SHT1x

Attachment: Sensirion SHT1x.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on January 01, 2011 16:11:37

L298 Dual Full-Bridge Driver

Attachment: L298 Dual Full Bridge Driver.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on January 03, 2011 02:10:55 Ultrasonic Ranging Module HC-SR04

Attachment: HC-SR04.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From dariosalvi78 on January 15, 2011 10:47:20

Hi, I have created the Minia board ( ). I hope I have done it correctly !

Attachment: Minia.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on January 20, 2011 14:17:40 A4983 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier NOTE: pcb holes haven't been tested, could be slightly out....

Attachment: A4983.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on January 21, 2011 00:40:26

Hi, I made a quad 2 input nand gate DM74LS00N. In the schematic the in A1 and B1 aren't alligned. I don't know why. In Inskape they are.

Attachment: DM74LS00N.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on January 26, 2011 22:08:54

Hello, I made this model of the Atmel Atmega32L microprocessor and hope that it is useful :) Seems pretty accurate to me, but if something is off, holla @ me, and I will fix it.

Attachment: Atmega32L.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on January 27, 2011 03:34:08

Hi, I made a quad 2 input OR gate SN74LS32N.

Attachment: SN74LS32N.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on January 27, 2011 03:38:51

Hi, I made a dual 4 input NAND gate SN74LS20N.

Attachment: SN74LS20N.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on January 27, 2011 03:42:14

I made a dual 4 input AND gate SN74LS21N.

Attachment: SN74LS21N.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on January 27, 2011 03:42:55


Attachment: DM74LS02N.fzp

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on January 27, 2011 03:43:37


Attachment: DM74LS04N.fzp

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on January 27, 2011 03:44:28

I made a six 1 input NOT gate SN74LS14N.

Attachment: SN74LS14N.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on January 28, 2011 23:25:00

Logomatic v2 Serial SD Datalogger from Sparkfun. This is one of my first Fritzing pieces. The drawings are accurately sized for major parts and the labeling is complete except for some of the Pin definitions that I don't have more information on. In breadboard view, the smaller parts are just approximately sketched in to make the board more recognizable. I haven't tested the piece completely, but thought it would be worth sharing it in case someone else wants to improve it. Issues: (1) Some pins don't work in PCB view, and I can't figure out why not. (2) I'm not sure that I picked a pin order in Schematic view that everyone would like: I forced one power to the top, and one ground to the bottom, and tried to keep the other pins in order. The battery connections are shown in the schematic view, but don't have Fritzing connectors defined.

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on January 30, 2011 00:15:50

Hi Aembi,

Thanks for uploading the logomatic part. I can comment in terms of Fritzing technical issues.

First off, the fzpz file doesn't load (it will work for you but no one else). This is due to a problem that I've seen before and can't quite remember--I think it has to do with re-editing SVGs after you have created the part with the parts editor. The workaround may be that you have to open the part again into the parts editor, do a "save as" to create another new part, and then export that part.

The problem with the PCB connectors is in the PCB svg file. The main issue is that there are a number of different SVG elements which have the same id, which confuses the hell out of Fritzing. For example, there are two different elements with the id "connector25pin", one a and one a . So either you must remove the id from one of the elements (this is probably the way to go), or combine both elements by surrounding them with a element and removing the id from each inner element. So you'd have

Also, re-editing with Inkscape can play tricks, so for example, Inkscape has renamed one of the connector ids to "connector25pin-9". This means that the PCB SVG actually "offers" three choices for connector25pin.

I notice also that in both breadboard and schematic views, the connectors are labeled "connectorN" rather than "connectorNpin". This is probably ok, but the Fritzing standard is that all connectors have the "pin" suffix (sometimes you use the "pad" suffix in PCB view when the part is an SMD).

Hope that helps.

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on January 30, 2011 00:33:35

This is a note to Gmor, comment 103. Fritzing's SVG renderer is provided by our IDE, which is called Qt, and its treatment of SVGs is sometimes a little idiosyncratic. So your A1 and B1 labels are actually specified differently than the other labels--they're specified as multi-line rather than single-line. I'm not sure whether you can see the distinction without looking directly at the xml.


davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on January 31, 2011 10:58:58

Hi, I made the StartKit Nest for the Flyport. You can find more information about Flyport at I didn't do the pcb because it is useless.

Attachment: FlyportNest.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on February 07, 2011 12:42:17

Hi, I upload the SHT71 sensor for the Flyport WebServer. About the project visit

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on February 07, 2011 13:21:53

Hi, I upload the SHT71 Sensor for the Flyport WebServer Project. About the project visit

Attachment: SHT71.rar

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on February 08, 2011 06:48:52

This is a reply to comment 115, the StarterKit nest part. The breadboard and schematic views look fine, assuming it was intentional that reset pin doesn't have a connector. I see that the PCB view wasn't laid out, but I was wondering "useless" in what way.


davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on February 10, 2011 06:24:25

HI Arduino UNO Board part

Attachment: ArduinoUNO.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on February 13, 2011 18:22:31

Logomatic_v2 A Serial Datalogger with Micro SD storage from Sparkfun. (I think there is a newer hardware version out now, that is still called "v2", and I don't know if the pinouts are the same.)

The Jan 28,2011 upload of this draft part did not work. Here is another try. I have modified the artwork just a bit, completely re-entered the connections after carefully deleting all of their artifacts from the svg files, saved it as a new part when all complete, and finally exported the .fzpz file. I will delete the earlier non-working file from my earlier post if I can.

Comments on making the part: I think that many hidden rectangles from prior connection definitions came into my svg files when I copied pin connection art work from other parts. They really confused Fritzing. I learned that it is important to figure out how to discover them and to remove them right at the beginning. In Inkscape, one can copy a single connector into a new svg file, save it, and view it in a text editor to be really sure.

Attachment: Logomatic_v2.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on February 14, 2011 08:38:57

I made a part: it is the Wiichuck Adapter by Todbot: The part is not perfect, but it works for me (so perhaps for more people). With kind regards,

Gidi van Liempd

Attachment: Wiichuck Adapter.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on March 20, 2011 08:54:26

LCD EA DIP204-4 (V2.0) - some error corrections ACS714 and ACS715 breakout board from pololu

Attachment: LCD EA DIP204-4_v2.fzpz ACS-715-714.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on March 21, 2011 22:04:37

I just created a LM 311 voltage comparator. Needed it for a project and though I'd pass it along. Have fun comparing voltages...

Attachment: LM 311.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on March 22, 2011 06:35:34

Seeeduino Mega v1.22, a new version with some error corrections...

Attachment: SeeeduinoMega.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on April 01, 2011 02:21:15

Hello everyone, i'm working on a project with Arduino and the Polar RMCM01. I've made the Fritzing version of the Polar Reciver, with all the descriptions of each pin and the best graphic possible, i hope you enjoy my work.


Attachment: Polar RMCM01.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on April 04, 2011 23:17:10

Hello all I'm new to all this and I made this part for the cellular-shield-for-arduino-sm5100b I use the PCB svg file from the arduino having problem with setting connection points in other photos that I save as svg files the software crashes ever time anyone have any clues to with I'm doing wrong

Attachment: cellular shield for arduino sm5100b.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on April 06, 2011 07:22:34

Xbee - Simple Board Hi everybody, this is my version of the Xbee - Simple Board for arduino. I hope this part like you.

Power & Equality :P

Regards Robert(1)

Attachment: Xbee - Simple Board.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on April 06, 2011 07:42:10

another part Solar Charger Liporider - Seeed Studio

Attachment: Solar Charger Liporider - Seeed Studio.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on April 12, 2011 07:40:12

DS1820 Dallas Temperature Sensor

Attachment: Temperature sensor.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on May 03, 2011 15:19:37

Relay 5v Submini 8 pin DPDT

Attachment: Relay 5v DPDT.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on May 04, 2011 10:17:42

@133 (Jeff Dorfman - DPDT Relay Thanks for this part. You appear to have V+ and V- switched in the schematic view. Also pins in a relay are not labeled ground, they are COM (common) and can be connected to anything. One last note - in most DPDT relays the common pins are closest to the coil (your pins 3 and 10), and the NC pins are your 4 and 9. It would be good to show the NC/NO switch lines as well. See, for example,

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From vallekano on May 18, 2011 04:15:58

SparkFun IMU 5DOF

Attachment: SparkFun IMU 5DOF.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on May 30, 2011 01:44:49


davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on May 30, 2011 17:00:11

TouchShield Slide.. its not perfect - the connectors in the schematic don´t "join" at the extremeties of the parts' pins. Acknowledgements to the original respective jpg artwork copyright holders, alibaba, Uniworks International LLC.

Attachment: LCD_TouchShield_Slide.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on June 01, 2011 16:07:25

Here is an ADXL345 I just made, I am having problems with the text constantly shifting to the left slightly after I finish all the connections and save the part. If anyone knows how to correct it, be my guest. I've tried 3 or 4 times by creating the text farther to the left in the source svg, but that did not help what I was looking for.

Attachment: ADXL345.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on June 01, 2011 16:17:58

To the question about the shifting text in comment 138, the problem is that the SVG renderer that Fritzing uses works best with SVG Tiny 1.2. What this means is that it can't handle certain non-tiny-1.2 elements very well, and one of those is a element containing a element. I believe the next version of Fritzing will automatically convert this, but for now you could open up your SVGs in a text or xml editor and replace "<text" with "<g" and replace "<tspan" with "<text".

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on June 01, 2011 18:43:01

8x8 LED Matrix 1388ASR, This is a part I made for my 8x8 LED Matrix. I found Fritzing a few days ago, one heck of an upgrade from expressPCB, I'm going to enjoy the autoroute no more hours of laying traces, but my part wasn't listed so I whipped one up. Its the "common anode" LED Matrix of the ones in the datasheet.

Enjoy, Doogie

Attachment: 8x8 LED Matrix 1388ASR.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on June 01, 2011 23:33:25

@Comment 140 8x8 LED Matrix:

This is a very cool part - made with love. I'm looking forward to see your project on the project section on the Fritzing website :)

The Row 3 Adode connection in the scematic view is a little bit off and you have to change the gender of the Row 7 Anode – it is male, I guess. That it will snap in the breadboard like the others.

But anyway: Thank you for this part!

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on June 07, 2011 08:11:47

I'm trying to fuse as they do not have any but I can not aver an appropriate icon if someone can upload a fuse fact, if you have or tell me where to get an icon for the program to serve thanks.

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on June 08, 2011 12:35:20

Hi, this is the Texas Instruments Launchpad-MSP430G2. It's like an arduino on a budget. It's intended for the MSP430 Value Line range of processors.

It's my first part, so I hope I've done it correctly. If not, I'd sure appreciate some feedback.

Attachment: TI Launchpad MSP430G2.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on June 14, 2011 09:15:51

@acj: Thanks for the Launchpad, it's looking good! We don't have a physical one here, so we can't check if the dimensions and pin positions are all correct, but otherwise it looks fine. You could test this by doing a (unscaled) printout of the part in PCB view and check if it aligns with the physical part.

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on June 14, 2011 13:16:12

@andre: Thanks for the tip. Tried it and it all seems to check out. All in all it was quite fun to make this part. I'll see if I can do some other parts that people have requested. It's nice to be able to contribute to such a great app.

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on June 16, 2011 16:40:45

Jeff made the Propeller Platform USB board by Gadget Gangster (as seen on the site ) and I added the pin descriptions and other labeling. I hope it encourages other Prop-Heads to join in Fritzing and start creating and sharing.

Attachment: Propeller Platform USB.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on June 17, 2011 12:29:03

Here's an IR Reciever(VISHAY TSOP22).

My parts could use some clean up of the XML, but they are usable now. I've setup a GitHub repository for my Parts. That is where I'll update the files and make them as clean as possible. Feel free to stop by.

URL: Next up... Line following sensor

Attachment: IR Reciever.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on June 19, 2011 13:14:06

Added Line Tracker V3 from DFRobot

Attachment: LineTracker.fzpz

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on July 19, 2011 12:49:22

ds1307RTC.fzpz crash!

davidperrenoud commented 9 years ago

From on July 19, 2011 13:42:26

The ds1307RTC attached to this comment should load now. BTW, at least for me, when loading the earlier version of the part, Fritzing put up a message box saying there was a problem with the part. Did Fritzing actually crash or did you get the message box as well?

Attachment: ds1307RTC.fzpz