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9mm Rotary Potentiometer Wrong PCB Image #323

Closed davidperrenoud closed 1 year ago

davidperrenoud commented 10 years ago

From on August 17, 2013 23:23:41

Seems like the 9mm Rotary Potentiometer has an incorrect PCB image...

sqlite> select * from parts where id = 554; 554|e55c4e524988a0331c383c6d9b004770_8|potentiometer|4||0.3.15b.02.03.3943|Lionel Michel|Rotary Potentiometer (Small)|R||A rotary adjustable resistor (potentiometer).||||0|core/starter-poti-small.fzp

sqlite> select * from viewimages where part_id = 554; 2213|0|icon/starter-poti-small_icon.svg|1|0|0|0|554 2214|1|breadboard/starter-poti-small_breadboard.svg|4|0|0|0|554 2215|2|schematic/basic_poti.svg|1536|0|1|1|554 2216|3|pcb/starter-poti-small_pcb.svg|42991616|0|0|0|554

parts/svg/core/pcb/starter-poti-small_pcb.svg (in current git) doesn't look like a 9mm potentiometer footprint to me.

Also it seems not possible to type in a resistance for this part (and indeed other rotary pots), you only get to select from a couple of options (10k, 100k)

Attachment: pot.png

Original issue:

davidperrenoud commented 10 years ago

From on August 17, 2013 22:59:49


davidperrenoud commented 10 years ago

From on August 19, 2013 02:37:53

fixed pcb-footprint, obsolete old part. commited with: r5b1d2c1f0d4d need to get "writable" fields for resistance and power.

Status: PartlyDone

failiz commented 3 years ago

The footprint has been fixed, now you can also set an custom resistance. The only missing is that you cannot set the power. The issue comes from the fact that the moduleID of this pot is: moduleId="alps-starter-pot9mm" and that in properties.xml, the power property only specifies two module IDs: PotentiometerModuleID and ResistorModuleID. The easy fix, would be to add the alps-starter-pot9mm id to the properties file. A better aproach would be to change the module ID of this potentiometer to PotentiometerModuleID

failiz commented 1 year ago

This has been fixed with the new pots. Probably still happens with the old ones, but I do no think it is worth to fix them as they can be replaced with the new ones which have a better pot symbol in the SCH view.