fritzsedlazeck / SURVIVOR_ant

A framework to annotate SVs with previous known SVs (vcf file) and or with genomic features (gff and or bed files)
MIT License
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Looking for a good .bed or .gff annonation file for hg19 #10

Closed TendoLiu closed 4 years ago

TendoLiu commented 5 years ago

Hi Guys, I am having difficulty looking for a usable annotation files. Could anyone share?


fritzsedlazeck commented 5 years ago

just to make sure, you cannot find a GFF file for a human genome hg19? cheers Fritz

TendoLiu commented 5 years ago

Hi Fritz, Thanks for the reply. I used UCSC hg19 reference genome to do the alignment. But I cannot find a good gff or bed annotation file anywhere. Do you have good resources? I would be more than grateful.


fritzsedlazeck commented 5 years ago

Ah, yeah that is always a pain.. I dont have one at hand, but here is a thread:

Cheers Fritz