fritzsedlazeck / SURVIVOR_ant

A framework to annotate SVs with previous known SVs (vcf file) and or with genomic features (gff and or bed files)
MIT License
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annotation error #13

Open liufy11 opened 4 years ago

liufy11 commented 4 years ago

when I use SURVIVOR_ant for vcf file containing BND detected by pbsv.
for example: the annotation for "pbsv.BND.scaffoldA09:61716239-scaffoldA07:3695888" is "total_Annotations=2;overlapped_Annotations=BnaC09T0514400ZS.exon5,cds.BnaC09T0514400ZS"

the vcf file shows translocation is from A09 to A07, why the annotation shows the translocation is related to C09? and there are too many errors like this in the annotation file for BND, but I didn't find this problem in annotation file for INS、DEL、DUP.

fritzsedlazeck commented 4 years ago

sorry I didnt had time/resources to maintain this code base. I am currently using VCFanno. Thanks Fritz