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Redstone Update #42

Closed friznit closed 3 years ago

friznit commented 4 years ago

Etoh (Jupiter)

friznit commented 4 years ago

front_Jupiter-A_Sketch Jupiter A

front_Jupiter-C_2 Juno I (Jupiter-C derived) & Mercury Redstone Launch Vehicle (Note: attach fins individually and match up the paint scheme with the engine mount)


front_Sergeant_1 Sergeant (with Juno I)

CobaltWolf commented 4 years ago

the only thing I'd note is that the Sparta should use the shorter "Redstone" tank and not the longer "Juno" tank (it looks like it's using the wrong one above)

friznit commented 4 years ago

Cool thanks - fixed

What goes on top of Jupiter-A?

CobaltWolf commented 4 years ago

I don't know what Jupiter-A is?

friznit commented 4 years ago

Redstone Missile 25 onwards. It was officially renamed Jupiter-A at some point in 1955/56 depending on which source you go by (Army or Air Force). It was the first rocket to test Jupiter components, before Jupiter-C.

I'm guessing they look the same as the green tactical Redstone missiles. Can't really find any definitive pictures in colour of one flying as Jupiter-A.



CobaltWolf commented 4 years ago

I mean, not much to go off but Astronautix specifies that it tested new guidance and control systems primarily, so no it wouldn't be much of a visual different.

KerbalKore commented 4 years ago

Speaking of the redstone missiles, can we get a build guide for that?

CobaltWolf commented 4 years ago


zorg2044 commented 4 years ago

@friznit if the dock rotate option is used to make the spin table, a decoupler is needed above the nose cone. Otherwise the auto shroud of the sergeant cluster wont rotate.

friznit commented 4 years ago

OK. It does not harm to include a decoupler in the standard build so I'll add it and then people have the option.

Morphisor244 commented 4 years ago

Might be a good idea to add an updated mercury capsule build guide, the parts are all there by now I think?

friznit commented 4 years ago

Might be a good idea to add an updated mercury capsule build guide, the parts are all there by now I think?

It's here:

OrbitalManeuvers commented 4 years ago

A few nits/questions since I noticed this one is marked ready. My dev build is fairly recent but not literally today. But with what I have...

Unless I'm too out of date or doing something otherwise dumb?

friznit commented 4 years ago

A few nits/questions since I noticed this one is marked ready. My dev build is fairly recent but not literally today. But with what I have...

  • in the sergeant breakout, the "HLR-VD03 Stack Separator" is actually called "DGR-VD03 0.3125m Decoupler"
  • in the Juno build, the "Etoh-TU" is called "Etoh-140-TU", and the two configs are 148 and 140, not 160 and 140.

Unless I'm too out of date or doing something otherwise dumb?

Things get updated when there's a balance pass and it's very likely I miss some of the details - thanks for spotting! Have fixed.

BlackBliz commented 1 year ago

I am full of pictures of Jupiter-A!

!PGM-11_Redstone_CC-43_2]( Jupiter-A_CC-39_1 Jupiter-A_CC-35 Jupiter-A_RS-25