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Updates To Do List #47

Closed friznit closed 3 years ago

friznit commented 4 years ago
friznit commented 4 years ago

new front_GATV_1


friznit commented 3 years ago

front_Transtage MOS ORV_1

Transtage MOS ORV

friznit commented 3 years ago

Jso on Centaur insulation

Treat the insulation like a fairing and dump it in the upper atmosphere/edge of space. It's pretty heavy so you don't want to keep it any longer than you have to. The way boiloff works is, heat from the outside is absorbed by the part's skin, the heat from the skin is absorbed by the part's internals, and the internal heat is transferred to the fuel causing it to boil. The jettisonable insulation slows down the skin to internal transfer, so it would seem to make sense to get rid of it as soon as possible when it's still hot from climbing through the thick part of the atmosphere. That way you jettison the heat rather than absorb it to the tank.

All of the other Centaurs have two layers of insulation, internal and external, and no weight penalty, so they are better equipped for long coasts.

Engine Used On LV Notes
RL10-A-1 Centaur C Atlas LV-3C LR115 prototype
RL10-A-3 Centaur D, D1, G/T; Saturn SIV Atlas SLV-3C, Saturn I aka LR119
RL10-A-4 Centaur II, III, T Atlas IIA, IIAS, III, V, Titan IV  
RL10-A-4-1N Centaur II, III Upgrades Atlas III, V  
RL10-A-5 DX-X, Delta Clipper   Sea Level Concept
RL10-B-2 DCSS Delta III, IV  
RL10-C-1 DCSS; Centaur III Delta III; Atlas V  
Variant Engine LV
Centaur D RL10-A-3 LV3-C, SLV-3C
Centaur D-1A RL10-A-3
Centaur D-1T RL10-A-3 with truss mount on avionics block
Centaur G RL10-A-3 STS
Centaur G Prime / T RL10A-3 & A-4 Titan IV
Centaur II RL10-A-4 & 4-1N Atlas II, III
Centaur III (Common) RL10-A-4-1N Atlas III, V

Jso on Centaur insulation

Centaur D Atlas Centaur D is the first operational Centaur upper stage featuring two RL10-A-3 engines. Centaur D-1T, D-1A and D-1AR include various improvements to avionics, launch vehicle and payload interfaces but for BDB purposes they are essentially the same. Uniquely, Centaur D has jettisonable insulation to absorb heat and mitigate LH2 boil off during the launch phase. It should be treated like a fairing and dumped in the upper atmosphere to save weight before the upper stage burn.

Centaur D

**Centaur II

Centaur III (Common Centaur)

Centaur G Shuttle-Centaur (STS-Centaur) features a widened upper tank to fit the shuttle cargo bay.

front_Centaur G_1

Centaur G' / T Centaur G Prime features a stretched tank. Centaur T is a modified version for use on Titan IV. Both use the RL-10A-3 engine. Later versions of the Centaur T are upgraded with RL10-A4 engines.

front_Centaur G_2

friznit commented 3 years ago

