friznit / Unofficial-BDB-Wiki

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ISS, Rassvet and Pirs are incorrectly labeled #65

Closed of-ravens-claw closed 2 years ago

of-ravens-claw commented 2 years ago

Pirs and Rassvet have their names reverted.

ISS Russian Orbital Segment

friznit commented 2 years ago

Technically I don't have Rassvet on the guide at all and should have labelled the lower docking module as Pirs (the Rassvet model didn't exist in Tantares when I did it). Anyway, Pirs has been replaced by the Nauka module now, so the guide needs a new chapter. It'll be a while before I get back to doing ISS things though, so will have to stay as it is for the time being.

of-ravens-claw commented 2 years ago

I see, thanks!